I've never used that line that "vaccinated and unvaccinated spread" it equally. Please stop lying when you can't refute a point.
1. Can fully vaccinated carry significant viral load and spread COVID?
2. Does most fully vaccinated carriers go undiagnosed, due to it being asymptomatic, or very mild?
3. So now, we've established that we potentially have millions of carriers spreading COVID who don't even know they have it, and who have all stopped the best practices that minimize spread, because the leading authorities, propagandist, and Vax-drones encouraged them to do so.
4. Lastly, what happens when this considerable population goes back out and interacts with the other half of the country that is unvaccinated??? We have exactly the type of surge that we see now, which unvaccinated over-filling emergency rooms and hospitals, but yet with those who aren't very bright and can't think beyond the surface, blaming the "unvaccinated" alone. This is what led to the Barnstable incident..
Mass gatherings lead to COVID surge in Barnstable County
The spread may not be equal, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to know the true number of vaccinated versus unvaccinated spreading COVID, (though, let's use Occam's and say that it's definitely more unvaccinated as expected). That still doesn't mean that we don't have millions of others who are contributing to the spread due to misinformation from the leading authorities, and hidden carriers who stopped all of the best practices because they were led to believe that the vaccines provided sterilizing immunity, so they could "go back to normal".