Have Covid - Ask For Ivermectin


Gold Member
Oct 3, 2009
Auburn Al
I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments
I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments
Who called it in for you?

state doc told pharmacists to stop filling the Rx
I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments
Yeah but now look at all the trouble you got into.
I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments

What dosage do they have you on, (mg's of each pill and number per day)? Did they give you anything else?

Doctors all around the world have said that it helps when given VERY early in the illness. Not so much, after it's set in and the viral load reaches a certain level. Many of them recommend it as a treatment in addition to, but not instead of, the new vaccines. I've heard of doctors in other countries prescribing it for vaccinated folks who contract COVID too, (as long as it's early in the illness).
I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments

Correlation does not equal causation. I’m for people using whatever they want, but for God’s sake get vaccinated and, if you’re sick, use the monoclonal antibodies before using stuff that even the manufacturer says not to use for covid.
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I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments

I’m glad you are feeling better. This is the difficulty in a disease in which only 2-3% of patients (less than 50) who contract it will ever progress to the point of hospitalization. Meaning you had a 97-98% chance of getting better with no intervention. Anecdotally, we have admitted many patients who were taking Ivermectin from the time of diagnosis (and some taking it before as a prophylactic). The thing is, if you are the person’s immune system that reacts violently to COVID, then you are going to decline no matter what we give you or what you were taking previously once you get to us. Our Ivermectin patients have declined at the same rate as everyone else once they reach the hospital. If they tip past the point of high flow oxygen, there is a predictable decline. I don’t believe (anecdotally) that there is a miracle cure out there at this point. But maybe something will come along that is.

There are ongoing large (random controlled) studies ongoing with Ivermectin (@Rusty Strings) that will answer this relatively definitively than the smaller observational studies.

Also, we have admitted more than a handful of patients that have had severe liver toxicity from Ivermectin. At least 3 that will require transplant if they ever make it to that point. Be careful with dosing as that there are some protocols being advocated on the internets that are quite dangerous.

However, over the last two months, we have gotten more patients off the vent than before and turned some around quicker (likely the function of a younger population). Also, other good news is that delta has likely brought many places very close to herd immunity. Hopefully, between natural immunity (if it holds) and vaccinations and boosters (if they hold), we won’t see spikes like we did in January and August.

All to say, I’m glad you’re still around OP. Glad you are feeling better my man!
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I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments
I have one dose of Hydroxy and 1 dose of Ivermectin. I have read enough success stories (from doctors) and don't want to be in a situation where I am begging some hospital administrator for these treatments for my wife or myself.

Just today I have contacted America' to get another dose for us because we both will probably get it at the same time.
I have one dose of Hydroxy and 1 dose of Ivermectin. I have read enough success stories (from doctors) and don't want to be in a situation where I am begging some hospital administrator for these treatments for my wife or myself.

Just today I have contacted America' to get another dose for us because we both will probably get it at the same time.
You could walk into anywhere for the vaccine without begging.
Correlation does not equal causation. I’m for people using whatever they want, but for God’s sake get vaccinated and, if you’re sick, use the monoclonal antibodies because using stuff that even the manufacturer says not to use for covid.
I am vaccinated.

But before we get too high and mighty about a vaccination we had better listen to the following video very carefully.

Don't take my word for it but for those of you that refuse to watch a 30 minute video it basically says we have created a "leaky" vaccine that only works for certain strains (very common among all vaccines) and that the more the virus continues to mutate the less helpful the vaccine will be and this will continue pretty much unstopped.

Not only that but the vaccine will "help" bring in the new strains into our bodies and our cells that would normally help get rid of the virus will learn to leave it alone .

This is why we still have other viruses like the flu and common cold.

They show statistics from many countries and many have a plurality of citizens already vaccinated and yet the new strains are running rapid.

Take 30 minutes and listen to a real doctor that really knows his stuff.
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Everyone flame this man for using a drug some conservatives promoted!!!!!!

*seriously though anyone I know that has used it says they felt better soon
Is it ironic that the same folks who won’t trust an FDA approved vaccination want to trust an unproven horse medicine?

I don’t get it.....

We have had patients show up to the emergency room with oxygen saturation’s in the 70’s, gasping who tell us that we are lying when we tell them that they have COVID because “there is no such thing as COVID”. But they had also been taking Ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine before coming to the hospital for a disease that they thought was fake. The dichotomy that has to occur in the brain to believe that a virus is fake but yet take unproven treatments for said fake illness is quite stunning.
Horse medicine is a false argument. It is and was a medicine for humans first. Works great on some viruses and parasites. Over a billion doses have been given out to humans worldwide since it's introduction. There are a few foreign trials that seem really promising and doctors are allowed to write anything they want to off label. They do it all day everyday, but now its become political. Is it the best medicine available for the job? No, it doesn't seem that way, but it does seem to help if given early or prophylactically.
Horse medicine? Ivermectine has been approved for humans for over 40 years--billions of doses have been given worldwide-- more liver damage occurs with improper use of Tylenol---reading is hard

Horse medicine? Ivermectine has been approved for humans for over 40 years--billions of doses have been given worldwide-- more liver damage occurs with improper use of Tylenol---reading is hard

This regimen is what I was referring to as that at least 2 of our patients were taking this regimen that presented with liver toxicity. Also, 1 of them still had severe COVID and is on the vent.
I am currently dealing with covid, hit me hard early this past Saturday. Tested positive Sunday, got ivermectin called in for me. In two doses I feel like I don’t have covid. Not vaccinated, but I am telling u ask for ivermectin. It is a shame this is not accepted, this medicine would keep people out of the hospital they could start taking immediately after testing positive.
@mrhickory , @stevesawbone would love your comments
Thankfully you have a doctor like ours whom actually practices under the Hippocratic Oath promising within that oath is "first, do no harm". I promise you I will never ever accept the experimental mitigation therapy serum injection (Aka the “vaccine”). I’ve been heavily exposed to china virus twice since the scam Demic was launched early last year and both times Ivermectin and heavy vitamins/zinc has helped us steer clear of the Fooking china virus. Currently my doctor has my wife and I both on a prophylactic dosage of two 3mg Tablets every other day. We are truly grateful for our primary care physician whom is awake yet not woke.
Thankfully you have a doctor like ours whom actually practices under the Hippocratic Oath promising within that oath is "first, do no harm". I promise you I will never ever accept the experimental mitigation therapy serum injection (Aka the “vaccine”). I’ve been heavily exposed to china virus twice since the scam Demic was launched early last year and both times Ivermectin and heavy vitamins/zinc has helped us steer clear of the Fooking china virus. Currently my doctor has my wife and I both on a prophylactic dosage of two 3mg Tablets every other day. We are truly grateful for our primary care physician whom is awake yet not woke.
This is some wild shit.