What a tough loss.
Cliff Omoruuyi and his backup A. Sherrill up go 7 for 7 and 4 for 4; 11 for 11. Did not miss a single shot.
Grant Nelson embarrasses our front line.
Pearl sits on two time outs and fails to call time out in regulation with clock shot off to set up a play.
C B-M. No comment. At the other end and I had time seeing the elbow to the head.
Tahad goes 1-3 at Free Throw Line and gets picked by Philon.
Chaney plays only 15 minutes – reminds me a little of Jaylin. Needs to show up in big games.
At the Nev recently - two point close Win against Tn., Loss by eight after being down 20 to Fla., O/T loss to in-state Bama.
We are in “one and done” time now.
Enuff said.
What a tough loss.
Cliff Omoruuyi and his backup A. Sherrill up go 7 for 7 and 4 for 4; 11 for 11. Did not miss a single shot.
Grant Nelson embarrasses our front line.
Pearl sits on two time outs and fails to call time out in regulation with clock shot off to set up a play.
C B-M. No comment. At the other end and I had time seeing the elbow to the head.
Tahad goes 1-3 at Free Throw Line and gets picked by Philon.
Chaney plays only 15 minutes – reminds me a little of Jaylin. Needs to show up in big games.
At the Nev recently - two point close Win against Tn., Loss by eight after being down 20 to Fla., O/T loss to in-state Bama.
We are in “one and done” time now.
Enuff said.