What's the dumbest way you've ever heard of someone dying?
This is one I've read about.
Defenestration is the act of throwing someone out of a window. Unfortunately, Garry Hoy inadvertently did that to himself. Hoy was a successful Canadian lawyer with a side interest in architecture. He loved showing off his building’s tremendously strong windows by running into them and bouncing off, to the amazement of visitors. Unfortunately, since his office was on the twenty-fourth floor, one accident was all it took. On July 9th, 1993, Hoy pulled his stunt for the last time: the window broke, he went through, and the horrified witnesses could do nothing to save him.
This is one I've read about.
Accidental Self-Defenestration
Defenestration is the act of throwing someone out of a window. Unfortunately, Garry Hoy inadvertently did that to himself. Hoy was a successful Canadian lawyer with a side interest in architecture. He loved showing off his building’s tremendously strong windows by running into them and bouncing off, to the amazement of visitors. Unfortunately, since his office was on the twenty-fourth floor, one accident was all it took. On July 9th, 1993, Hoy pulled his stunt for the last time: the window broke, he went through, and the horrified witnesses could do nothing to save him.