I can't imagine what the doctors and nurses are going through right now dealing with all of the new COVID patients. It has truly got to be a level of stress that few in the healthcare industry ever see outside of a trauma ward. All I see is ambulatory COVID patients or their relatives but there is a constant stream of them. I would guess that half of my new prescriptions today were for COVID patients. That's probably a third of everyone in the store was for COVID. Each day this week, I thought that it wouldn't get any worse and yet it has. In the last week or two, we've lost people in my rural area that were 46, 35, and 30 years old. None were obese and didn't appear to have comorbidities. None were vaccinated. I have another that is a friend in his early 50's that just came off the vent.
I see people now as three types: 1. the vaccinated, 2. the people on the fence but not vaccinated, and 3. people that will never get vaccinated. If you are on the fence and haven't gotten vaccinated but just aren't sure, you need to go ahead and get vaccinated. This virus isn't going away and will mutate any way it can to stay viable. The vaccine can be the difference in life and death. I think it will eventually mutate around the vaccines which means more boosters, but that is down the road. Now is what we need to be concerned with. Our health district call this week put the peak at tomorrow and lets hope that is accurate. The physicians in our area are throwing everything they can at the virus trying to help these people. The kids are getting it at a much higher rate but so far they have fared well. Let's hope the we start trending downward.
I see people now as three types: 1. the vaccinated, 2. the people on the fence but not vaccinated, and 3. people that will never get vaccinated. If you are on the fence and haven't gotten vaccinated but just aren't sure, you need to go ahead and get vaccinated. This virus isn't going away and will mutate any way it can to stay viable. The vaccine can be the difference in life and death. I think it will eventually mutate around the vaccines which means more boosters, but that is down the road. Now is what we need to be concerned with. Our health district call this week put the peak at tomorrow and lets hope that is accurate. The physicians in our area are throwing everything they can at the virus trying to help these people. The kids are getting it at a much higher rate but so far they have fared well. Let's hope the we start trending downward.