God help those like you and
@Robino26 who view the world through an acid-drop lolly-popped looking glass. Your views bear no resemblence to the real world, and down Robino's rabbit hole, da man, (i.e. the black man), is actually the only one who is racist and they are hold him and other majority men down, (his words, not mine).
In your world green might be pronounced as blue, and blue as red, but in reality, it's just a fact that cops will shoot first and ask questions more often when a black male is involved who fits certain prototypes, (
and while it's wrong, I do understand some of the reasons why). There are some bad apples out there who just "HATE THOSE THUGS", and who are intensely waiting for a black to give them a legitimate reason to blow them away. In reality, you'll find more "Walter Scott" type infractions. Can you show me similar video where a white male was just shot down like a dog, for no reason at all, and had a gun planted on him so the coward terrorist murderer could get away, (
even though blacks are only 13% of the population).
Your posting history indicate that you have a lot of hate in your heart. You and Robino would likely get along well. You guys need to kiss Alice goodbye, and leave Wonderland for good, and face reality so that we can continue to make progress as we have from decade to decade until we get to the point out here in reality, where you guys say we they are in Wonderland. #delusionIsNotThyFriend You should go read those posts that I linked above from the other thread too.