Auburn goes into the last rotation with a decent lead. Oregon St. kills it on the beam.
Marisa Neal scores a 9.875 on the floor. Judges huddle, take a .1 away and it appears OSU wins by .050.
While OSU is celebrating the road win, Auburn files an inquiry on Marisa’s score and the judges restore her original score. AU wins and scores their first 197 of the season.
Oregon St. was #9 coming in and we are #12.
Big win for our girls!
Marisa Neal scores a 9.875 on the floor. Judges huddle, take a .1 away and it appears OSU wins by .050.
While OSU is celebrating the road win, Auburn files an inquiry on Marisa’s score and the judges restore her original score. AU wins and scores their first 197 of the season.
Oregon St. was #9 coming in and we are #12.
Big win for our girls!
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