AU +2
vUGA, vOM, @UK, @A&M, vbama
bama -2
vUK, vMSU, @TN, vUF, @AU
UF -2
@LSU, @UGA, vA&M, @bama, vOM
MZ -3
@Ark, vSC, @VU, @OK, vUK
A&M -3
vTN, vVU, @UF, vAU, @LSU
bama has the most difficult path left but AUs isn't a exactly easy.
MZ is the sleeper here. Might not catch AU but they could steal the two slot.
vUGA, vOM, @UK, @A&M, vbama
bama -2
vUK, vMSU, @TN, vUF, @AU
UF -2
@LSU, @UGA, vA&M, @bama, vOM
MZ -3
@Ark, vSC, @VU, @OK, vUK
A&M -3
vTN, vVU, @UF, vAU, @LSU
bama has the most difficult path left but AUs isn't a exactly easy.
MZ is the sleeper here. Might not catch AU but they could steal the two slot.