10 dead and 3 seriously injured is the latest report. Unreal that this sort of tragedy plays out on such a regular basis in our country today regardless of the motivation behind it.
The terrorist released a manifesto before the attack in which he said he was motivated by the "white replacement theory" which has been promoted by Tucker and others on the right. He had the n-word written on the front sight of his AR-15. This is the same conspiracy theory that motivated the terrorist attacks on the El Paso Wal Mart and Pittsburg Tree of Life Synagogue. How long before decent people on the right have had enough of this terrorism and call out Tucker and the Republican politicians who are motivating it by pushing this conspiracy theory?
"In political terms, this policy is called the great replacement, the replacement of legacy Americans with more obedient people from faraway countries," said Carlson last month. He was immediately echoed by a fellow Trump booster, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, who took to Twitter to declare Carlson was "CORRECT about Replacement Theory as he explains what is happening to America."
The terrorist released a manifesto before the attack in which he said he was motivated by the "white replacement theory" which has been promoted by Tucker and others on the right. He had the n-word written on the front sight of his AR-15. This is the same conspiracy theory that motivated the terrorist attacks on the El Paso Wal Mart and Pittsburg Tree of Life Synagogue. How long before decent people on the right have had enough of this terrorism and call out Tucker and the Republican politicians who are motivating it by pushing this conspiracy theory?
"In political terms, this policy is called the great replacement, the replacement of legacy Americans with more obedient people from faraway countries," said Carlson last month. He was immediately echoed by a fellow Trump booster, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, who took to Twitter to declare Carlson was "CORRECT about Replacement Theory as he explains what is happening to America."

Opinion: The racist theory that is animating some Trump backers
In former President Donald Trump's world, a high-speed cycle of influence can move radical ideas from the fringe to his personal agenda in short order, according to Michael D'Antonio and James Cohen. Pro-Trump opinion hosts and politicians are spreading the Great Replacement Theory to rally...

The deadly myth of the “Great Replacement“
The shootings in El Paso are the latest expression of an unfounded and racist mythology.

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