Washington St. fired due to refusing to get

Here is another shit source.

THE QUESTION: Is it true aborted fetal cell lines were used to create the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

THE ANSWER: Yes, fetal cell lines were used to manufacture and develop the J&J COVID-19 vaccine.

OUR SOURCES: Our sources include two experts in the Texas medical field: Dr. Mark Casanova, the immediate past president of the Dallas County Medical Society, and Dr. Ashley Garling, the clinical assistant professor with the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy.

This might help you. You seem to think it actually includes fetal cells. It doesn’t.

“Social media users have been sharing posts online that claim the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Johnson & Johnson contains aborted fetal DNA as an ingredient. This claim is false. While the vaccine used lab-replicated fetal cells (known as fetal cell lines) during its production process, the vaccine itself does not contain any fetal cells.“

Here is another shit source.

THE QUESTION: Is it true aborted fetal cell lines were used to create the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

THE ANSWER: Yes, fetal cell lines were used to manufacture and develop the J&J COVID-19 vaccine.

OUR SOURCES: Our sources include two experts in the Texas medical field: Dr. Mark Casanova, the immediate past president of the Dallas County Medical Society, and Dr. Ashley Garling, the clinical assistant professor with the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy.

You are astonishingly stupid. As others have noted, fetal cells are used in the R&D process for many vaccines and drugs. That doesn't mean the actual vaccine shot you receive is filled with fetal cells. The fact you (and many other anti-vax loons) can't comprehend such a simple concept is an indictment of the education system in our country.
You are astonishingly stupid. As others have noted, fetal cells are used in the R&D process for many vaccines and drugs. That doesn't mean the actual vaccine shot you receive is filled with fetal cells. The fact you (and many other anti-vax loons) can't comprehend such a simple concept is an indictment of the education system in our country.

Correct. They are mixing up the terms.

“Social media users have been sharing posts online that claim the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Johnson & Johnson contains aborted fetal DNA as an ingredient. This claim is false. While the vaccine used lab-replicated fetal cells (known as fetal cell lines) during its production process, the vaccine itself does not contain any fetal cells.“
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He claimed the vaccine shot is filled with fetal cells. That is false. Surely you understand the difference between that and fetal cells being used during the R&D process which is extremely common with many vaccines and drugs.
Of course, I understand that. Apparently, so does @CPATiger. He made it clear in one of his cites above that he understands that the vaccines don't contain aborted fetal cells but that the vaccines (at least J&J) were manufactured using fetal tissue from aborted fetuses. @SigBitty asked him for a source of that claim and then blew it off when he provided it by pointing out that it came from a Catholic organization. I merely provided a cite from a source that should be more acceptable.

This sort of thing is the problem with much of the debate in our country nowadays. They don't care whether something is true or not, only whether it matches the views of "their side." One doesn't have to find it objectionable that J&J's vaccine used fetal tissue to develop it, but you can't just dismiss the claim that is does by saying "Haha, Catholics!!!" Well, you can do that, but to do so is to engage in a logical fallacy.

If @CPATiger thinks it is wrong to take that vaccine for that reason, that is his prerogative. If he uses all sorts of other drugs that were developed the same way, he would be being inconsistent. But I didn't see that he even said it was wrong or asked anybody to agree with that view, but rather stated that being developed using from fetal tissue would allow someone a religious exemption from the J&J shot, which is almost certainly the case.
Here is another shit source.

THE QUESTION: Is it true aborted fetal cell lines were used to create the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

THE ANSWER: Yes, fetal cell lines were used to manufacture and develop the J&J COVID-19 vaccine.

OUR SOURCES: Our sources include two experts in the Texas medical field: Dr. Mark Casanova, the immediate past president of the Dallas County Medical Society, and Dr. Ashley Garling, the clinical assistant professor with the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy.

Have you not previously encountered the boonker's own dr. stumpy... hell he's a legend when it comes to china virus. About as resourceful as is dr. fraudchi... full of Sheet and always wrong.
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Of course, I understand that. Apparently, so does @CPATiger. He made it clear in one of his cites above that he understands that the vaccines don't contain aborted fetal cells but that the vaccines (at least J&J) were manufactured using fetal tissue from aborted fetuses. @SigBitty asked him for a source of that claim and then blew it off when he provided it by pointing out that it came from a Catholic organization. I merely provided a cite from a source that should be more acceptable.

This sort of thing is the problem with much of the debate in our country nowadays. They don't care whether something is true or not, only whether it matches the views of "their side." One doesn't have to find it objectionable that J&J's vaccine used fetal tissue to develop it, but you can't just dismiss the claim that is does by saying "Haha, Catholics!!!" Well, you can do that, but to do so is to engage in a logical fallacy.

If @CPATiger thinks it is wrong to take that vaccine for that reason, that is his prerogative. If he uses all sorts of other drugs that were developed the same way, he would be being inconsistent. But I didn't see that he even said it was wrong or asked anybody to agree with that view, but rather stated that being developed using from fetal tissue would allow someone a religious exemption from the J&J shot, which is almost certainly the case.
Of course, I understand that. Apparently, so does @CPATiger. He made it clear in one of his cites above that he understands that the vaccines don't contain aborted fetal cells but that the vaccines (at least J&J) were manufactured using fetal tissue from aborted fetuses. @SigBitty asked him for a source of that claim and then blew it off when he provided it by pointing out that it came from a Catholic organization. I merely provided a cite from a source that should be more acceptable.

This sort of thing is the problem with much of the debate in our country nowadays. They don't care whether something is true or not, only whether it matches the views of "their side." One doesn't have to find it objectionable that J&J's vaccine used fetal tissue to develop it, but you can't just dismiss the claim that is does by saying "Haha, Catholics!!!" Well, you can do that, but to do so is to engage in a logical fallacy.

If @CPATiger thinks it is wrong to take that vaccine for that reason, that is his prerogative. If he uses all sorts of other drugs that were developed the same way, he would be being inconsistent. But I didn't see that he even said it was wrong or asked anybody to agree with that view, but rather stated that being developed using from fetal tissue would allow someone a religious exemption from the J&J shot, which is almost certainly the case.
Stem cell lines have been used in the R&D process on most drugs drug available today, including Tylenol. Nuts like @CPATiger don't get up in arms over the myriad of other drugs where stem cell research has been used because those medications aren't at the center of some politically motivated anti-vax crusade. That's the same reason folks who had no objection to vaccine mandates pre COVID now view them as some tyrannical affront to their liberty. This is all performative grievance narrative bullshit and anyone engaging in it deserves to be mocked.

Fetal stem cell lines are an industry standard in scientific and medical research and are commonly used in research and development of most medical products available today.

“These are cell lines that were originally derived from fetal tissue from aborted fetuses many of back in the 70s and 80s and they’ve been immortalized and retained and passaged again and again,” said James Lawler, an infectious disease expert at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

The fetal cell lines currently used are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue from which the cells were derived, Lawler said.

“I understand why people have concerns,” said Lawler, who is a practicing Catholic. “The bottom line is almost all the medical products we use have in some way been touched by research that’s been done on fetal cell lines.” That can range from over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol to other prescriptions you pick up at the pharmacy.

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Stem cell lines have been used in the R&D process on most drugs drug available today, including Tylenol. Nuts like CPA don't get up in arms over the myriad of other drugs where stem cell research has been used because those medications aren't at the center of some politically motivated anti-vax crusade.

Fetal stem cell lines are an industry standard in scientific and medical research and are commonly used in research and development of most medical products available today.

“These are cell lines that were originally derived from fetal tissue from aborted fetuses many of back in the 70s and 80s and they’ve been immortalized and retained and passaged again and again,” said James Lawler, an infectious disease expert at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

The fetal cell lines currently used are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue from which the cells were derived, Lawler said.

“I understand why people have concerns,” said Lawler, who is a practicing Catholic. “The bottom line is almost all the medical products we use have in some way been touched by research that’s been done on fetal cell lines.” That can range from over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol to other prescriptions you pick up at the pharmacy.

Nobody here has disputed any of this. Nobody has even given an indication that they are unaware of any of this. I haven't seen any indication that @CPATiger is a nut or is expressing anything nutty, at least not in this thread. I don't get on the PoReMu AIDS board, so I have no insight into prior debates there.
Nobody here has disputed any of this. Nobody has even given an indication that they are unaware of any of this. I haven't seen any indication that @CPATiger is a nut or is expressing anything nutty, at least not in this thread. I don't get on the PoReMu AIDS board, so I have no insight into prior debates there.
He's pushed all manner of nutty anti-vax views on the PORE board so that certainly colors my view. Prior posts aside, anyone whining about stem cells being used in research is either incredibly ignorant and/or a hypocrite. Every person who opposes that type of research because it has been turned into a political football has used medications that were made possible by it.
You would think the part in bold would allow for a religious exemption for JNJ. Of course, the militant forced vaccination mob would not approve.

“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine … was tested and is produced with abortion-derived cell lines raising … moral concerns. Therefore, if one has the ability to choose a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccines should be chosen over Johnson & Johnson.”

@CPATiger is full of shit and it took all of 3 seconds to debunk.

Hahahaha! Sig just owned you.

Can you? I'll post it again. This time read it slowly so you understand.

Dr. Amesh Adalja, a Senior Scholar at Johns Hopkins who treats infectious disease, critical care and emergency patients and also works on pandemic policy.

“The vaccine itself does not include any kind of fetal cells. However, the vaccine is manufactured using fetal cells, as is the AstraZeneca vaccine. The origin of these cell lines is from aborted fetuses,” Adalja said.

I sure hope folks who saw this exchange can learn something. You can go get "information" to support whatever your viewpoint happens to be, sort of like shopping for groceries, but that does NOT mean it's the truth. Misinformation overload today is REAL.

Further, CPATiger came back and clarified. You have a source baking, spinning and dancing around an issue by saying something CLOSE to what was actually stated, "The J&J does not contain fetal cells", when what had been stated is that the J&J was produced using cells that originally came from aborted fetuses, (then, I'm guessing they were replicated in mass, and used to produce the vaccine).

Reading comprehension and the ability to detect subtle deception is definitely required these days if your goal is to ascertain the truth. It's just sad.
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He's pushed all manner of nutty anti-vax views on the PORE board so that certainly colors my view. Prior posts aside, anyone whining about stem cells being used in research is either incredibly ignorant and/or a hypocrite. Every person who opposes that type of research because it has been turned into a political football has used medications that were made possible by it.
I would then make the argument that a lot of people would probably not use those medications if they knew they were produced using stem cell research.
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Dude, there is nothing in the vaccine like he said. Nothing. Maybe he’s just a nut job.

Good gosh this is sad. Stomp, he didn't say that the vaccine CONTAINED the aborted fetal cells, but instead, his links are saying that aborted fetal cells were the original source of certain replicated cells that are used to PRODUCE the vaccine.

The fact that you routinely miss things like this when interpreting data, and commenting speaks volumes, and no shade, but you may need to sit some of these out and stop commenting so vociferously.
He's pushed all manner of nutty anti-vax views on the PORE board so that certainly colors my view. Prior posts aside, anyone whining about stem cells being used in research is either incredibly ignorant and/or a hypocrite. Every person who opposes that type of research because it has been turned into a political football has used medications that were made possible by it.
You are so FOS. Do you ever get tired of being proven wrong? Obviously you can't provide any links to back up what you represented I said. How embarrassing.

In some people's view the JNJ vaccine was developed differently in the production than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Read and learn something.....

“The approval of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine for use in the United States again raises questions about the moral permissibility of using vaccines developed, tested, and/or produced with the help of abortion-derived cell lines.
“Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines raised concerns because an abortion-derived cell line was used for testing them, but not in their production. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, however, was developed, tested and is produced with abortion-derived cell lines raising additional moral concerns. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has judged that ‘when ethically irreproachable Covid-19 vaccines are not available … it is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.’ However, if one can choose among equally safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, the vaccine with the least connection to abortion-derived cell lines should be chosen. Therefore, if one has the ability to choose a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccines should be chosen over Johnson & Johnson’s.
Of course, I understand that. Apparently, so does @CPATiger. He made it clear in one of his cites above that he understands that the vaccines don't contain aborted fetal cells but that the vaccines (at least J&J) were manufactured using fetal tissue from aborted fetuses. @SigBitty asked him for a source of that claim and then blew it off when he provided it by pointing out that it came from a Catholic organization. I merely provided a cite from a source that should be more acceptable.

This sort of thing is the problem with much of the debate in our country nowadays. They don't care whether something is true or not, only whether it matches the views of "their side." One doesn't have to find it objectionable that J&J's vaccine used fetal tissue to develop it, but you can't just dismiss the claim that is does by saying "Haha, Catholics!!!" Well, you can do that, but to do so is to engage in a logical fallacy.

If @CPATiger thinks it is wrong to take that vaccine for that reason, that is his prerogative. If he uses all sorts of other drugs that were developed the same way, he would be being inconsistent. But I didn't see that he even said it was wrong or asked anybody to agree with that view, but rather stated that being developed using from fetal tissue would allow someone a religious exemption from the J&J shot, which is almost certainly the case.

Let’s go to his first post showing his objection:

“You would think the part in bold would allow for a religious exemption for JNJ. Of course, the militant forced vaccination mob would not approve. “

“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine … was tested and is produced with abortion-derived cell lines raising … moral concerns. Therefore, if one has the ability to choose a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccines should be chosen over Johnson & Johnson.”

This is just another bs anti-vaccine talking point just like “it’s not fda approved so I’m not getting the shot” was. You know it and I know it.
You are so FOS. Do you ever get tired of being proven wrong? Obviously you can't provide any links to back up what you represented I said. How embarrassing.

In some people's view the JNJ vaccine was developed differently in the production than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Read and learn something.....

“The approval of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine for use in the United States again raises questions about the moral permissibility of using vaccines developed, tested, and/or produced with the help of abortion-derived cell lines.
“Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines raised concerns because an abortion-derived cell line was used for testing them, but not in their production. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, however, was developed, tested and is produced with abortion-derived cell lines raising additional moral concerns. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has judged that ‘when ethically irreproachable Covid-19 vaccines are not available … it is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.’ However, if one can choose among equally safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, the vaccine with the least connection to abortion-derived cell lines should be chosen. Therefore, if one has the ability to choose a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccines should be chosen over Johnson & Johnson’s.

So they say take the vaccine so there is no reason religiously not to, right?
Good gosh this is sad. Stomp, he didn't say that the vaccine CONTAINED the aborted fetal cells, but instead, his links are saying that aborted fetal cells were the original source of certain replicated cells that are used to PRODUCE the vaccine.

The fact that you routinely miss things like this when interpreting data, and commenting speaks volumes, and no shade, but you may need to sit some of these out and stop commenting so vociferously.

No, it’s another anti-vaccine talking point.
I sure hope folks who saw this exchange can learn something. You can go get "information" to support whatever your viewpoint happens to be, sort of like shopping for groceries, but that does NOT mean it's the truth. Misinformation overload today is REAL.

Further, CPATiger came back and clarified. You have a source baking, spinning and dancing around an issue by saying something CLOSE to what was actually stated, "The J&J does not contain fetal cells", when what had been stated is that the J&J was produced using cells that originally came from aborted fetuses, (then, I'm guessing they were replicated in mass, and used to produce the vaccine).

Reading comprehension and the ability to detect subtle deception is definitely required these days if your goal is to ascertain the truth. It's just sad.

He clarified after it was pointed out that cell lines weren’t cells.

DM8 set you guys up, and got you to co-sign by "liking" his post. In this particular debate, there have indeed been a couple of things that I pointed out that I thought was likely to happen, and in these cases science eventually proved my humble hypothesis to be correct. When I posted them, they went against everything the leading scientists and doctors speaking for the leading authorities and agencies were saying. Stomp, DM8 and their little crew laughed me to scorn, and ridiculed me incessantly, but again, science eventually proved them to be correct.

DM8, and Stumpfan had MASSIVE amounts of egg on their faces when I bounced the posts and the CDC et. al. agreed with me months later, yet he posts this gif anyway knowing that he can get those ignorant of the incident to ASSume and bite.
I would then make the argument that a lot of people would probably not use those medications if they knew they were produced using stem cell research.
Good luck shunning most of modern medicine due to backward fundamentalist views.
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DM8, and Stumpfan had MASSIVE amounts of egg on their faces
It doesn't get much more humorous than the dude who has been screaming about the dangers of the COVID vaccines for over a year claiming others have egg on their face. Hundreds of millions have been vaccinated, the vaccines are now fully approved by the FDA and the dire predictions of delayed side effects still haven't come to fruition.
He is confused and thinks the vaccine shot is filled with fetal cells. That is false. Surely you understand the difference between that and fetal cells being used during the R&D process which is extremely common with many vaccines and drugs.

No, I never saw him say that. Even his first link says that it was fetal cell lines that were used to produce the vaccine. It's truly sad that you and Stomp can't comprehend what was being said, (unless you're trying to INTENTIONALLY mislead people into believing that he was the one confused). Go find the post where he said that and link it, or just admit that you all were DEAD WRONG, yet again.
DM8 set you guys up, and got you to co-sign by "liking" his post. In this particular debate, there have indeed been a couple of things that I pointed out that I thought was likely to happen, and in these cases science eventually proved my humble hypothesis to be correct. When I posted them, they went against everything the leading scientists and doctors speaking for the leading authorities and agencies were saying. Stomp, DM8 and their little crew laughed me to scorn, and ridiculed me incessantly, but again, science eventually proved them to be correct.

DM8, and Stumpfan had MASSIVE amounts of egg on their faces when I bounced the posts and the CDC et. al. agreed with me months later, yet he posts this gif anyway knowing that he can get those ignorant of the incident to ASSume and bite.

The cdc was literally laughed at by thousands of doctors when they implied that vaccinated individuals spread it just as much. They had to walk that back many times. They admitted that it’s not close to how much the vaccinated spread it compared to the unvaccinated.
It doesn't get much more humorous than the dude who has been screaming about the dangers of the COVID vaccines for over a year claiming others have egg on their face. Hundreds of millions have been vaccinated, the vaccines are now fully approved by the FDA and the dire predictions of delayed side effects still haven't come to fruition.

I've never screamed about the dangers or made ANY dire predictions that immediate issues would occur. However, I HAVE challenged you to link a single post where I've said or done either of those things, (over a dozen times now), and it's always the same. Nothing, nada, zilch, except for more egg on your face.

It's embarrassing that you can never link a post, and it's clear that you are not being truthful.
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He doesn't need an objection you communist scum.
He would if he were employed by the State of Washington and had applied to be exempt from vaccination based on religious grounds.

You can't just make shit up and expect that to be good enough.
The cdc was literally laughed at by thousands of doctors when they implied that vaccinated individuals spread it just as much. They had to walk that back many times. They admitted that it’s not close to how much the vaccinated spread it compared to the unvaccinated.

You're trying to stretch the truth too. My two cents of hypothesis was over whether fully vaccinated people could (1) maintain significant viral load, (2) maintain load long enough to allow the virus to mutate, and (3) whether fully vaccinated people could spread COVID, and potentially be a significant source of hidden spread, since vaxxed folks weren't being monitored, weren't being checked, and were being let into mass spreading events without checking temperature, and all while being encouraged to conduct massive spreading events, family get-togethers etc.

You laffed, and chipped at me for months...., then real science from other countries provided evidence that was the case, and eventually, the Barnstable event sealed the deal. It's sad you won't just tell the truth instead of shifting the goalposts and lying. You know danged well it wasn't about whether they spread it "just as much" as the unvaccinated. You also know well I can link the original threads in a heartbeat, so why lie and further erode whatever small bit of credibility you have left?
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Let’s go to his first post showing his objection:

“You would think the part in bold would allow for a religious exemption for JNJ. Of course, the militant forced vaccination mob would not approve. “

“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine … was tested and is produced with abortion-derived cell lines raising … moral concerns. Therefore, if one has the ability to choose a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccines should be chosen over Johnson & Johnson.”

This is just another bs anti-vaccine talking point just like “it’s not fda approved so I’m not getting the shot” was. You know it and I know it.
I must be missing something because I don't know it. But I am oblivious to the history of pissing contests some of you folks.
You're trying to stretch the truth too. My two cents of hypothesis was over whether fully vaccinated people could (1) maintain significant viral load, (2) maintain load long enough to allow the virus to mutate, and (3) whether fully vaccinated people could spread COVID, and potentially be a significant source of hidden spread, since vaxxed folks weren't being monitored, weren't being checked, and were being let into mass spreading events without checking temperature, and all while being encouraged to conduct massive spreading events, family get-togethers etc.

You laffed, and chipped at me for months...., then real science from other countries provided evidence that was the case, and eventually, the Barnstable event sealed the deal. It's sad you won't just tell the truth instead of shifting the goalposts and lying. You know danged well it wasn't about whether they spread it "just as much" as the unvaccinated. You also know well I can link the original threads in a heartbeat, so why lie and further erode whatever small bit of credibility you have left?

Nope, you predicted it would be a “HUGE” problem. You were wrong. Egg on your face. Nasty.
I sure hope folks who saw this exchange can learn something. You can go get "information" to support whatever your viewpoint happens to be, sort of like shopping for groceries, but that does NOT mean it's the truth. Misinformation overload today is REAL.

Further, CPATiger came back and clarified. You have a source baking, spinning and dancing around an issue by saying something CLOSE to what was actually stated, "The J&J does not contain fetal cells", when what had been stated is that the J&J was produced using cells that originally came from aborted fetuses, (then, I'm guessing they were replicated in mass, and used to produce the vaccine).

Reading comprehension and the ability to detect subtle deception is definitely required these days if your goal is to ascertain the truth. It's just sad.
It really is sad seeing the lack of critical thinking skills these guys have. They have an agenda, and push their narrative to meet those ends, distorting and misrepresenting along the way.
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So they say take the vaccine so there is no reason religiously not to, right?
Thoughts on this potential list to replace Rolo?

Jay Norvell- Nevada
Kalen DeBoer- Fresno State
Alex Grinch- OU DC
Joe Moorhead- Oregon OC
Jim McElwain- Central Michigan
Troy Calhoun- Air Force
Aaron Best- Eastern Washington
Brent Brennan- San Jose State
Blake Anderson- Utah State
It really is sad seeing the lack of critical thinking skills these guys have. They have an agenda, and push their narrative to meet those ends, distorting and misrepresenting along the way.

Lol. You didn’t answer my question. The sources you’re quoting said get the vaccine so what is your objection? Could it be just another anti-vax bs talking point? I think we both know the answer is yes to that.
I've never screamed about the dangers or made ANY dire predictions that immediate issues would occur. However, I HAVE challenged you to link a single post where I've said or done either of those things, (over a dozen times now), and it's always the same. Nothing, nada, zilch, except for more egg on your face.

It's embarrassing that you can never link a post, and it's clear that you are not being truthful.
You have called people who took the vaccines "guinea pigs" and repeatedly claimed there is a risk of delayed serious side effects which we won't be able to evaluated for 5-10+ years. Whenever you are called out, you meltdown and pitifully try to crawl away from your nutty anti-vax claims.
If the authorities primary concern was ending the pandemic, and the health/well-being of the people, they would simply develop another option/vaccine, using classical technology so the huge population that never guinea-pigs new technology, would have an option that they are comfortable with, and no one could argue against them. The fact that they WILL NOT, speaks volumes.
Can you help others to understand why they should go ahead and pull the trigger on the vaccine by detailing how the new vaccines are the "ticket to getting back to normal"? What are the steps that will be enabled via vaccination?

While I believe I understand what you're implying, and we know that the vaccines have been reported to be extremely safe in the short term, can you state definitively that there will be no other side effects from the mid-term or long-term? If you can, please elaborate.
I can't wait to bounce this thread 5 - 10 years from now. There are folks who can't see even a foot or two beyond their noses, (as far as strategic vision goes). Let's see where we are a decade from now and evaluate some of these statements using that hindsight.
No. I refused, and refused, and refused, and you kept asking and told me to just give a swag. Then, when I qualified my swag as being off of the top of my head, and I believe 3-5, all the way up to 10 for mid-term, and 10+ up to 20 or more for long-term, you took the and ran with it and started mis-stating and mis-positioning what I'd said.
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