Washington St. fired due to refusing to get

That's not completely accurate. You CANNOT just dismiss the fact that the vaccines are novel/new, and as such, with no data available for any life-cycle phase except the immediate short-term, the risk increases. You can't just dismiss this increased risk for something so close to gene therapy and genetic engineering. We are CLEAR that the vaccines don't rise to those levels, but it's in the same vein, and people will be concerned and everyone won't have the same risk/reward ratio that you or I might have. It's NOT a simple, no-brainer decision.

Most importantly, even if everyone in the U.S. had gotten vaccinated, we still might not have been able to return to normal, as evidence by many examples where large gatherings of fully vaccinated folks resulted in outbreaks. We just don't know enough about this weird pathogen to make those definitive statements, and false/fake guarantees just to get more to take the vaccine.

Since COVID would have still been around, as soon as the immunity started waning, we'd probably have had outbreaks anyway, so please consider stopping the silly blame game that the leading authorities are encouraging all of us to play as a means of creating more peer pressure on the "unvaccinated" to force them to get vaccinated. You MUST all personal will and volition to factor into this thing unless you can pretty much guarantee certain things scientifically. We can only do that with the old vaccine technology that we have much more data on. Be fair, and be morally considerate dude.

Hahaha! Stop reading after the first line.
Ok, grandpa. Maybe learn how to post an actual gif vs a link.

Secondly, so in your dumbass comments "no one takes precautions against the flu", you come back with you and your family has done it for 2 decades. Christ.

I'm guessing you're some coivd-truther who can't understand the difference between Covid and the flu, right? COIVD is NOT the flu. It's more deadly and more contagious, a multiple of times over.

Again, for something drastically less contagious and deadly, the US Dept of Health has a massive annual campaign to get people vaccinated, pushes free vaccines, and TAKES HUGES PRECAUTIONS. So yeah....they are going be a little more strict on something much more deadly and contagious.
You realize that you are just killing your own argument by name calling, right? No one is going to take you seriously when you start with "Ok, grandpa" and then tell him to learn how to internet or message board or whatever. You may not agree with all of Big Blue's argument, but he has been respectful in the way he has presented information and his arguments. It's ok to disagree, but do not devolve into name calling. (And no, I am not including when I just called that guy stupid because he said he wanted to ship all unvaccinated people off to somewhere else)
As I said, I think the stupid people that won't get vaccinated should be exiled. I also think that every American should serve in the military, stupid or not. If you won't get vaccinated, if only for the sake of others, then I know something about you.

If this were a vaccine based off of classical vaccine technology such as Polio, Measles or Smallpox, I'd agree, however you MUST factor in the new technology used, the fact that we don't have usage data over the full-lifecycle etc., and the ADDITIONAL RISK that creates.

Some folks just aren't thinking this one through, and they are acting as if it's a simple, no-brainer decision. For many who don't understand the basics of the new technology used, and who have been fooled into thinking it's just like other vaccines they've taken, they don't know, so they think those with reservations are just stupid. I have empathy for those who are really wrestling over the decision, because many have valid concerns.
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Get vaccinated or sign a waiver saying you'll decline medical care for covid in the event you catch it.

Can't do nothing to help yourself (get 2 shots) and then expect the rest of us to just let you pile up in ERs and ICUs that people who aren't morons need.
The more unvaccinated an area has, the more Covid that area has. That means people like General Powell are in more danger. That means kids not eligible for the vaccine are more in danger. That means the elderly are more in danger. That means everybody is in more danger. It also means a return to some normalcy is delayed. The US should be mostly past Covid by now but the unvaccinated will have delayed normalcy by 9-12 months and possibly made it almost impossible to achieve nationwide for a long time due to vaccines waning over time.
What about those that developed myocarditis or blood clots due to the vaccine. Did they make a good decision to get vaccinated?
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Ok, grandpa. Maybe learn how to post an actual gif vs a link.

Secondly, so in your dumbass comments "no one takes precautions against the flu", you come back with you and your family has done it for 2 decades. Christ.

I'm guessing you're some coivd-truther who can't understand the difference between Covid and the flu, right? COIVD is NOT the flu. It's more deadly and more contagious, a multiple of times over.

Again, for something drastically less contagious and deadly, the US Dept of Health has a massive annual campaign to get people vaccinated, pushes free vaccines, and TAKES HUGES PRECAUTIONS. So yeah....they are going be a little more strict on something much more deadly and contagious.
I posted that gif as a gif and it turned it into a link.

I didn't make the statement that "no one takes precautions against the flu." Less than half the country gets the flu shot each year and even for those who do, the flu shot is wildly variable in its effectiveness. Some years, it is almost ineffective. But regardless of all that, nobody cared about the flu before two years ago. Nobody cared if other people got the flu shot. Nobody cared if other people were getting the flu. The flu vaccine was never required. Obviously, COVID is not the flu, especially for older people and those at risk. It's much more contagious and deadly. But not for kids, the group of people I was discussing. Kids aged 5-17 are at very low risk of serious illness from COVID. It's in the noise, like flu is for those kids. There is no reason to be concerned about kids aged 5-17 getting COVID than about them getting the flu. There is no reason to be any more concerned about them getting the COVID vaccine than about them getting the flu vaccine.

COVID-truther. LOL. Yeah, go dig through my post history and see if I am a COVID truther. You are just another example of someone who is so blinded by personal prejudice and ideology that you can't (won't) even consider any concept that doesn't match what you already believe, regardless of whether it is true. But no matter what you believe, COVID is a very low risk for kids. The number of kids who have died from other "mundane" causes since the start of this pandemic is probably a hundred times higher than from COVID. COVID is just not a major cause of concern for children whether you want to accept it or not. That is reality.
If this were a vaccine based off of classical vaccine technology such as Polio, Measles or Smallpox, I'd agree, however you MUST factor in the new technology used, the fact that we don't have usage data over the full-lifecycle etc., and the ADDITIONAL RISK that creates.

Some folks just aren't thinking this one through, and they are acting as if it's a simple, no-brainer decision. For many who don't understand the basics of the new technology used, and who have been fooled into thinking it's just like other vaccines they've taken, they don't know, so they think those with reservations are just stupid. I have empathy for those who are really wrestling over the decision, because many have valid concerns.
You don't make any points here that I disagree with. What I would say is that this is generally how science works. The first polio vaccine was controversial within the scientific community, but only there because they didn't have the internet and 24/7 news coverage and cycles. The smartest thing that those promoting the vaccine did then was have the organization that later became the March of Dimes sponsor it so it didn't look like a pharmaceutical company was pushing it. That led to much broader acceptance and a level of trust for that vaccine. Due to that, no mandates were considered necessary until the 70's and 80's when all states mandated childhood vaccines (which was very controversial at that time.)

I trust science, and for those who make the argument of "well I trust God to protect me," I say, don't you think God had a little something to do with the discovery of the mRNA process? It's an amazing breakthrough that we should all be thankful for as it has so many potential uses well beyond vaccinations.
Get vaccinated or sign a waiver saying you'll decline medical care for covid in the event you catch it.

Can't do nothing to help yourself (get 2 shots) and then expect the rest of us to just let you pile up in ERs and ICUs that people who aren't morons need.
How is this helpful? Not only is this illegal, it is immoral and goes against a doctor's ethics.
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You do realize how the clinical trials for the polio vaccine were done, right? And that the first polio vaccine was not 100% effective?

Oh, absolutely. I've told @Stumpfan, @DM8 and others DOZENS of times that with all technology we come out with, we have to "debug" it, and work the kinks out, so we should NOT be lying to folks telling them it's 100% guaranteed to be safe. That's just not reality when imperfect man makes anything.

It's EXACTLY why new drugs, new technology etc. carries more risk. Until you move things across the line, out into the public and start getting usage data across the COMPLETE life-cycle for the full population, you can expect a few unexpected twists and turns, and various kinks that have to be worked out to improve the process. Again, this is exactly why we should mandate a new/novel vaccine. Folks have an innate right to decide their own risk threshold.
So just b/c only a few kids die, that's OK. What is the acceptable number of preventable dead kids to you?

You can't focus solely on the reward. Smart money considers the risks too, and for kids, that additional risk that comes from something so new and experimental, in all likelihood, doesn't outweigh the reward.

Around mid-summer, only 336 kids 17 and under had died from COVID, (and most of them probably had other serious health issues). For the average kid, the risk from COVID is minimal. There are likely other reasons they want to get everyone, young, old, and in between to take the new mRNA vaccines.
Oh, absolutely. I've told @Stumpfan, @DM8 and others DOZENS of times that with all technology we come out with, we have to "debug" it, and work the kinks out, so we should NOT be lying to folks telling them it's 100% guaranteed to be safe. That's just not reality when imperfect man makes anything.

It's EXACTLY why new drugs, new technology etc. carries more risk. Until you move things across the line, out into the public and start getting usage data across the COMPLETE life-cycle for the full population, you can expect a few unexpected twists and turns, and various kinks that have to be worked out to improve the process. Again, this is exactly why we should mandate a new/novel vaccine. Folks have an innate right to decide their own risk threshold.
Fair enough, the only point I would have any disagreement with who is the telling people it is 100% safe. I don't know any credible source that is doing that. Sh*t, nothing is 100% other than we all die in the end. Even A&M will eventually win the West and Arky will get a few calls to go their way.
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And the fact that when the first polio vaccine was approved, it was between 80-90% effective against the spread of polio. Those numbers sound familiar to anyone else?

I believe the key question is more about whether the 80%-90% for which the Polio vaccine DID work for, achieve sterilizing immunity. Same deal with Measles. If you can't achieve sterilizing immunity, then many of the promises that they are making become false. I wish it were different, but that's just likely the fact.
If this were a vaccine based off of classical vaccine technology such as Polio, Measles or Smallpox, I'd agree, however you MUST factor in the new technology used, the fact that we don't have usage data over the full-lifecycle etc., and the ADDITIONAL RISK that creates.

Some folks just aren't thinking this one through, and they are acting as if it's a simple, no-brainer decision. For many who don't understand the basics of the new technology used, and who have been fooled into thinking it's just like other vaccines they've taken, they don't know, so they think those with reservations are just stupid. I have empathy for those who are really wrestling over the decision, because many have valid concerns.
I stand by what I posted. I look at vaccination like I look at service to my Country, I consider it my duty to serve my fellow Americans, even if it is dangerous. Hey, if you don't feel that way it is a free Country right? Well, free because of the people that make sacrifices.
I believe the key question is more about whether the 80%-90% for which the Polio vaccine DID work for, achieve sterilizing immunity. Same deal with Measles. If you can't achieve sterilizing immunity, then many of the promises that they are making become false. I wish it were different, but that's just likely the fact.
I'll wade into most arguments, but I'm not getting into a discussion of sterilized immunity for ANY disease or whether or not sterilized immunity is provable, has ever actually existed or whether it is or is not a myth.
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it's odd how you follow up that your family gets the flu shot annually with talking about how it is not required...that doesn't seem like it should even be part of the discussion on whether or not a person should get it

people out there are refusing to get vaccinated simply b/c of this mandate boogeyman propaganda...not b/c the vaccine is causing widespread negative side more time passes and more studies of the side effects come out, this becomes more and more apparent. the childish, "i'm not doing it just because you said i have to (even though most people aren't actually being told)" pervasion is getting more and more tired
Hey, you won't see me arguing against people getting vaxxed for COVID. I'm vaxxed and think it is a good idea for most everyone. I just don't particularly care if others do and don't see why anyone else should get all wound up about it either. The vaccines are highly effective and those who take them don't have to worry about others. Their immunity to the virus will take care of itself. There is little or no reason for people to be concerned about others getting vaxxed. Hardly anyone ever worries about others being vaxxed for a lot of other illnesses, some of them serious, because we know that we ourselves are vaxxed and don't have to worry about it. Nobody is getting fired from their jobs for not being vaxxed for those other illnesses either.
As I said, I think the stupid people that won't get vaccinated should be exiled. I also think that every American should serve in the military, stupid or not. If you won't get vaccinated, if only for the sake of others, then I know something about you.
I have awesome news for you. A country like that already exists and you can move there. Dennis Rodman is a big fan apparently as well, so, you have that going for you.
It’s hilarious because I’m sure “All Lives Matter” is a frequently used phrase by you.
What the actual fvck does this have to do with anything in this awful thread? 😂 just when I thought it couldn’t get AIDS’d up anymore, you prove me wrong.

Also, it’s hilarious to me some of you grown ass men only post on the bunker relating to COVID now. That shit is weird as hell to me. On a college football message board to talk about shit other than college football. Weird.

Almost weirder than being a grown man and wanting to force every other grown man into getting a shot. To the point where you’re so obsessed with wanting other grown men to take the shot that you spend your free time posting about COVID on a college football message board. Get a fvcking life pal 😂
You don't make any points here that I disagree with. What I would say is that this is generally how science works. The first polio vaccine was controversial within the scientific community, but only there because they didn't have the internet and 24/7 news coverage and cycles. The smartest thing that those promoting the vaccine did then was have the organization that later became the March of Dimes sponsor it so it didn't look like a pharmaceutical company was pushing it. That led to much broader acceptance and a level of trust for that vaccine. Due to that, no mandates were considered necessary until the 70's and 80's when all states mandated childhood vaccines (which was very controversial at that time.)

I trust science, and for those who make the argument of "well I trust God to protect me," I say, don't you think God had a little something to do with the discovery of the mRNA process? It's an amazing breakthrough that we should all be thankful for as it has so many potential uses well beyond vaccinations.

Good post. The March of Dimes helped with Polio, but I think the BIGGEST thing was that Polio was a virulent killer......, of children. If COVID were more deadly, or it primarily impacted children like Polio, you'd see much more willingness for folks to line up around the block and get these new vaccines despite the additional risks associated with them.

If COVID were more virulent, e.g. a combination of Ebola, Black Death and the Measles, you'd see almost everyone lining up for the new vaccines, and even other completely stupid things such as shooting up with diluted Clorox etc. The fact that while it's a very serious threat, it isn't killing kids, and it's overall death rate isn't higher, changes the risk/reward ratio for everyone.

There are TONS of promising therapies that the scientific community was just CHOMPING at the bit to get across the line into the public, (many of which will eventually lead to full-on gene therapy and genetic engineering), but they knew it would be an ethical bloodbath. COVID provided the perfect excuse to push mRNA out into the public, and there's no doubt that there are good things that could come from it, however, I do wonder if the current approach to vaccinating with it, is the best. We are eliciting a VERY strong, specific, local, immunological response, but my question is whether that may be at the expense of a better overall, more general immune response. We need to strike the proper balance between rushing things out, and being certain that we understand enough of the complete, big picture impacts. We don't want to engineer any Pyrrhic victories.
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Oh, absolutely. I've told @Stumpfan, @DM8 and others DOZENS of times that with all technology we come out with, we have to "debug" it, and work the kinks out, so we should NOT be lying to folks telling them it's 100% guaranteed to be safe. That's just not reality when imperfect man makes anything.

It's EXACTLY why new drugs, new technology etc. carries more risk. Until you move things across the line, out into the public and start getting usage data across the COMPLETE life-cycle for the full population, you can expect a few unexpected twists and turns, and various kinks that have to be worked out to improve the process. Again, this is exactly why we should mandate a new/novel vaccine. Folks have an innate right to decide their own risk threshold.
I'm not anti-vax, as I think it's a tool that should be used based on the individual. With that said, I wonder how these militant forced vaccination advocates would do face to face with someone that has myocarditis now, or blood clots, or worse after being forced to take it? Some pregnant women are claiming miscarriages are occurring shortly after receiving the vaccine as well.
Not to mention the efficacy of these vaccines diminishes after a few months, so this will be a continuous forced vaccination for who knows how long.
This should be a personal choice.
What about those that developed myocarditis or blood clots due to the vaccine. Did they make a good decision to get vaccinated?

what about those that died from COVID...did they make a good decision to not get vaccinated?

so far 726,000 people have died from COVID. how many have died from myocarditis after getting the vaccine?

yore an accountant so i expect you to be able to read into these numbers and make an intelligent conclusion
I'm not anti-vax, as I think it's a tool that should be used based on the individual. With that said, I wonder how these militant forced vaccination advocates would do face to face with someone that has myocarditis now, or blood clots, or worse after being forced to take it? Some pregnant women are claiming miscarriages are occurring shortly after receiving the vaccine as well.
Not to mention the efficacy of these vaccines diminishes after a few months, so this will be a continuous forced vaccination for who knows how long.
This should be a personal choice.

they aren't dead. it would be easy AF to be face to face with any of them.
Fair enough, the only point I would have any disagreement with who is the telling people it is 100% safe. I don't know any credible source that is doing that. Sh*t, nothing is 100% other than we all die in the end. Even A&M will eventually win the West and Arky will get a few calls to go their way.

LOL, true dat, but unfortunately, early on in the process, there were far too many exuberant folks who were trying to do good, who were in essence saying that certain things were 100%. It triggers me just a bit, because it's simply not true, and it's deceptive, (even though I know they meant well and just wanted as many as possible to take the new mRNA vaccines).

We had and still have folks like @Stumpfan, and @DM8 telling folks here on these very boards, that the new vaccines are 100% safe and effective. I was telling them that NOTHING is 100%, and we shouldn't even expect that type of foolishness, but instead, we should EXPECT to have to make tweaks. So, they lit me up and started calling me an anti-vaxxer even though I made it clear that me and my family have taken pretty much everything out there. Right @00aubie?
My two cents on the topic has always resonated with those who are intelligent, objective and fair. The Bunker is the only board where a few dullard idiots haven't received the simple message. It's gone over well on every other board around the country.

Thanks for your encouragement, and you can bet I'll continue to offer my humble two cents where it may make a difference. Again, have a great day.
How many boards do you do this on?
I stand by what I posted. I look at vaccination like I look at service to my Country, I consider it my duty to serve my fellow Americans, even if it is dangerous. Hey, if you don't feel that way it is a free Country right? Well, free because of the people that make sacrifices.

I agree in living largely sacrificial lives. My life speaks to that, so it's not just hollow words. That said, at what point does my two cents of opinion, TRUMP my neighbors opinions, personal will, and volition???

At what point should I just ramrod my ideology over his? I feel that I should do all I can to use logic, reason and rationale to convince him, but at the end of the day, it's his choice, (and this is the case even with tried and true vaccine technology used for Polio, Measles, and Smallpox et. al.). How much more does this apply for these new/novel vaccines that carry much higher risks. Should a person be able to decide how much risk they take, and what goes into their bodies?
LOL, true dat, but unfortunately, early on in the process, there were far too many exuberant folks who were trying to do good, who were in essence saying that certain things were 100%. It triggers me just a bit, because it's simply not true, and it's deceptive, (even though I know they meant well and just wanted as many as possible to take the new mRNA vaccines).

We had and still have folks like @Stumpfan, and @DM8 telling folks here on these very boards, that the new vaccines are 100% safe and effective. I was telling them that NOTHING is 100%, and we shouldn't even expect that type of foolishness, but instead, we should EXPECT to have to make tweaks. So, they lit me up and started calling me an anti-vaxxer even though I made it clear that me and my family have taken pretty much everything out there. Right @00aubie?
I'm still hoping I am wrong about A&M. It is way too much fun to "gig 'em" for that fact. FFS, you have SC and Mizzou as your cross conference games, you beat Alabama, but you lose to MSU and Arky. I would be beside myself angry, yet they are running around like they won the MNC because they beat Alabama. It's amazing, really.
what about those that died from COVID...did they make a good decision to not get vaccinated?

so far 726,000 people have died from COVID. how many have died from myocarditis after getting the vaccine?

yore an accountant so i expect you to be able to read into these numbers and make an intelligent conclusion
What % of those that died were immune compromised or elderly? I'd suspect a very high %. In which case, one could argue those in that category should get vaccinated.
A better comparison would be how many healthy individuals with no underlying conditions have died from Covid vs the same group that were forced to get vaccinated. Side effects should be taken into account as well. Women's testimony about miscarriages should be factored as well instead of swept under the rug.
Personal choice plays a role as well. It sounds like you'd rather have the government forcing you to take shots every 6 months or so. Since a high number of people die from the flu every year, should the government force that shot as well?
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I stand by what I posted. I look at vaccination like I look at service to my Country, I consider it my duty to serve my fellow Americans, even if it is dangerous. Hey, if you don't feel that way it is a free Country right? Well, free because of the people that make sacrifices.

Also, if the Pharmaceutical companies say it's xxx% safe, then put your money where your mouth is, and allow folks to sue if something goes wrong. That'd shup up most government and company officials with the quickness.
You realize that you are just killing your own argument by name calling, right? No one is going to take you seriously when you start with "Ok, grandpa" and then tell him to learn how to internet or message board or whatever. You may not agree with all of Big Blue's argument, but he has been respectful in the way he has presented information and his arguments. It's ok to disagree, but do not devolve into name calling. (And no, I am not including when I just called that guy stupid because he said he wanted to ship all unvaccinated people off to somewhere else)
Bruh @Big Blue tried to post a GIF w/ "Go Eff your self" in the link

He's beyond the "Presented his side respectfully"
I didn't make the statement that "no one takes precautions against the flu." Less than half the country gets the flu shot each year and even for those who do

Nobody cared at all about the flu prior to two years ago and almost never took any precautions for the flu.
You said "almost never"...that's factually wrong considering over 50% get the vaccine. 65% of kids get the shot

Your argument is false. People care about the flu. If they didn't there wouldn't be a massive annual vaccine.
What the actual fvck does this have to do with anything in this awful thread? 😂 just when I thought it couldn’t get AIDS’d up anymore, you prove me wrong.

Also, it’s hilarious to me some of you grown ass men only post on the bunker relating to COVID now. That shit is weird as hell to me. On a college football message board to talk about shit other than college football. Weird.

Almost weirder than being a grown man and wanting to force every other grown man into getting a shot. To the point where you’re so obsessed with wanting other grown men to take the shot that you spend your free time posting about COVID on a college football message board. Get a fvcking life pal 😂

Still waiting on everyone's thoughts about Wazzu football moving forward...
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What the actual fvck does this have to do with anything in this awful thread? 😂 just when I thought it couldn’t get AIDS’d up anymore, you prove me wrong.

Also, it’s hilarious to me some of you grown ass men only post on the bunker relating to COVID now. That shit is weird as hell to me. On a college football message board to talk about shit other than college football. Weird.

Almost weirder than being a grown man and wanting to force every other grown man into getting a shot. To the point where you’re so obsessed with wanting other grown men to take the shot that you spend your free time posting about COVID on a college football message board. Get a fvcking life pal 😂
I’m not surprised you’re incapable of putting 2 and 2 together. Remember when you said the pandemic was over while 2,000 Americans were dying from it every day? Good times.

You said "almost never"...that's factually wrong considering over 50% get the vaccine. 65% of kids get the shot

Your argument is false. People care about the flu. If they didn't there wouldn't be a massive annual vaccine.

I took it that he meant "caring" is relative. If roughly the same number that has died of COVID were dying from the Flu in the past, we sure as heck wouldn't be stopping the economy, demanding social distancing, or trying to FORCE kids to take new experimental treatments in order to stop those deaths from flu, so why take those extreme measures for COVID, (though of course as always, I could be wrong...).
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I took it that he meant "caring" is relative. If roughly the same number that has died of COVID were dying from the Flu, we sure as heck were stopping the economy, demanding social distancing, or trying to FORCE kids to take new experimental treatments in order to stop the FLU, so why do that for COVID, (though of course as always, I could be wrong...).
You're not wrong, except for the part about the "experimental" treatments, but I won't quibble over that. ;)

Three years ago, nobody cared about other people getting vaccinated for the flu and nobody cared if other people got the flu. They didn't worry about their kids going to school during flu season with other kids who might have the flu. Nobody wanted to make kids mask up at school all day to try and avoid the flu. They are up in arms over all these things for COVID, even though the risks of serious illness from COVID for kids aged 5-17 is very, very low.
You think they'll fly their flag at GAMEDAY or with the flag team protest too?
Depends on their status...
Really a shame for the team, especially coming off a win over Stanford. Their season is over for all intents and purposes.
I am very intrigued about watching how they finish. Fire half of the on field staff. Wonder if they have enough people to even coach the team?

Imagine there will be a large exodus from the team and will be interesting who they get for next season and how they handle it.

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