Good Morning West Vance!

What does 'Thde' mean?

Just speaking your tongue. Comprende?

I just try to spell it like it sounds flowing out of a mouth breathers vocal cords.

From Websters:
Roooooow Thde Rooooowwww (Rooooo' lll - Ty' de Rooooo' lll) - the chant spewed by mouth breathers from West Vance

Just speaking your tongue. Comprende?

I just try to spell it like it sounds flowing out of a mouth breathers vocal cords.

From Websters:
Roooooow Thde Rooooowwww (Rooooo' lll - Ty' de Rooooo' lll) - the chant spewed by mouth breathers from West Vance


I've literally never seen it spelled that way and never heard it pronounced that way. And look....this guy didn't spell it that way on his back either.

You really suck at this.
Sanctions must be working the early shift today. Maybe so he can cash that paycheck and buy a big bag of Cheetos and a six pack of Old Milwaukee.
What does 'Thde' mean?

I doesn't mean a thing unless you put 'Roooooooow' in front of it from what I understand. You have to listen to someone from west vance say it. Sometimes it is 'Ttttde' or 'Taaaaaade' or Thhhhde'. You might also hear one say 'Shiiiiiiiieeeet' or 'Hay'ul yea' or a loud belch noise when they call mates or teabag victims.

Speech language pathologists at National Geographic are trying to get the entire dialect down before it disappears forever.

