Going to leave this here but I couldn’t disagree more.

I think what's written there is valid and accurate in many instances.

You do realize the graphic itself is verbatim from a list prepared by a white PhD in 1990 - THIRTY YEARS AGO - and that it doesn't denigrate those characteristics or say they're undesirable. I think those things aren't nearly as often associated with white America as they were just after Reagan left office, e.g. It's more an expression of someone's paradigm as a snapshot in time. What's funny about that is that some of those characteristics are representative of very few white folks - or people in general - these days.

It's not Marxist, and it's never harmful to try and understand how to come across to others and to attempt to grasp what makes them tick as well.
it is great if the goal is to DIVIDE, which it clearly is
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So if those are admirable traits then why doesn’t the museum seek to promote those traits in those that should learn them, regardless of race. I would also say that the majority of white people I worked with didn’t exhibit most of them.

I don't know that the museum seeks to promote or denigrate them at all! It's pointing out that these traits were commonly associated primarily with white folks, and they're using a white person's opinion to justify it. If anything, they seem to be stressing that white folks possibly see themselves in a better light, maybe? I think that's likely accurate.
I think what's written there is valid and accurate in many instances.

You do realize the graphic itself is verbatim from a list prepared by a white PhD in 1990 - THIRTY YEARS AGO - and that it doesn't denigrate those characteristics or say they're undesirable. I think those things aren't nearly as often associated with white America as they were just after Reagan left office, e.g. It's more an expression of someone's paradigm as a snapshot in time. What's funny about that is that some of those characteristics are representative of very few white folks - or people in general - these days.

It's not Marxist, and it's never harmful to try and understand how to come across to others and to attempt to grasp what makes them tick as well.
My work is incredibly diverse where I work with tons of white-collar minorities. All of them are self-made, rational, hard-working people who view time as a commodity, believe in the nuclear family (i.e., dual-parent household), are Christians (or religious in general) etc.
To me, it's obvious. Everything in there is less to do with race, more to do with economic class. Except, now that "white" has been demonized, they're now going to tie-in capitalistic principles (individualism, being self-made etc.) to "whiteness". If you replaced "white" with bourgeoisie, boom you're in 1917 Russia. Hell, I even saw something in there about majority rules being a "white" thing...isn't that literally democracy?
Read the whole thing ASSMAN. Not shocked you agreed and liked it. Don't know how you manage to get thru a day with all of the white guilt you have pinned up.

Amusing. Recognizing that I have natural advantages and that I make conditioned assumptions about others isn't harmful. It helps understand other people and keep things in proper context.
I think what's written there is valid and accurate in many instances.

You do realize the graphic itself is verbatim from a list prepared by a white PhD in 1990 - THIRTY YEARS AGO - and that it doesn't denigrate those characteristics or say they're undesirable. I think those things aren't nearly as often associated with white America as they were just after Reagan left office, e.g. It's more an expression of someone's paradigm as a snapshot in time. What's funny about that is that some of those characteristics are representative of very few white folks - or people in general - these days.

It's not Marxist, and it's never harmful to try and understand how to come across to others and to attempt to grasp what makes them tick as well.

Yes, what you describe further drives home how absurd the graphic and the entire page are. The graphic is certainly not representative of an entire race, hell it probably describes Asians better than anyone, but this is the current mainlining of identity politics.

Also, it is not just trying to "understand". It literally pinpoints normalization of "whiteness" as an attack on people of color and in the process of doing that identifies things that are certainly not exclusively whiteness - just good things to do as a person - (which should be offensive to all races).

From the text: "Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color."

"In this country, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate."

<-- this is not even true, America is extremely diverse and better for it, I've been taught since I was a child. Everyone who lives here is American. This current movement is actually the one that is obsessed with labels and grouping people into racial generalities, not whiteness.
I don't know that the museum seeks to promote or denigrate them at all! It's pointing out that these traits were commonly associated primarily with white folks, and they're using a white person's opinion to justify it. If anything, they seem to be stressing that white folks possibly see themselves in a better light, maybe? I think that's likely accurate.

Can you link me to where the museum has done this with other races?
Yes, what you describe further drives home how absurd the graphic and the entire page are. The graphic is certainly not representative of an entire race, hell it probably describes Asians better than anyone, but this is the current mainlining of identity politics.

Also, it is not just trying to "understand". It literally pinpoints normalization of "whiteness" as an attack on people of color and in the process of doing that identifies things that are certainly not exclusively whiteness - just good things to do as a person - (which should be offensive to all races).

From the text: "Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color."

"In this country, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate."

<-- this is not even true, America is extremely diverse and better for it, I've been taught since I was a child. Everyone who lives here is American. This current movement is actually the one that is obsessed with labels and grouping people into racial generalities, not whiteness.
Well said, the traits are associated with successful people not just white people. How did AOC get elected? She knocked on every door and talked to every constituent. Her communist ass was elected because she worked harder than everyone else.

interesting timing for ole 73 ... was with some folks last evening and they were discussing the BLM movement and one of the stated goals (eliminating the nuclear family).

One guy posted a link to a talk show hosted by a black women .... the clip had her interviewing 6 black men. Asked each how many children he had fathered and by how many women.

The combined # of children was 87 (IIRC) and the total different mothers was something like 30.

Lady then went on to summarize about the lack of "nuclear family" being a true issue in the black community in this country.

No comment from me here ... other than being surprised that the show was not hosted by some CNN type.

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interesting timing for ole 73 ... was with some folks last evening and they were discussing the BLM movement and one of the stated goals (eliminating the nuclear family).

One guy posted a link to a talk show hosted by a black women .... the clip had her interviewing 6 black men. Asked each how many children he had fathered and by how many women.

The combined # of children was 87 (IIRC) and the total different mothers was something like 30.

Lady then went on to summarize about the lack of "nuclear family" being a true issue in the black community in this country.

No comment from me here ... other than being surprised that the show was not hosted by some CNN type.

The destruction of the nuclear family by the great society programs have certainly led to increased poverty among the poorest among us.
Well said, the traits are associated with successful people not just white people. How did AOC get elected? She knocked on every door and talked to every constituent. Her communist ass was elected because she worked harder than everyone else.

Basically the thing that drives Critical Race Theory is there is no real definition and it is completely intangible and unreachable (sounds religious). Real racism exists, it should be addressed aggressively, but how do you ever reconcile this undefined concept that more or less says I can call anything you're biologically bred to do or say racist:

"Whiteness operates in covert and overt ways that affect all of us. It can appear as practices within an institution or accepted social norms. Since whiteness works almost invisibly, we may not always be aware of how it manifests in our daily lives."

Compare this to say, what Scientologists say about the abstract idea of ridding the body of Thetans.
I'm really offended by the assumption I like bland food

Amusing. Recognizing that I have natural advantages and that I make conditioned assumptions about others isn't harmful. It helps understand other people and keep things in proper context.
Didn’t you go to Auburn?
Amusing. Recognizing that I have natural advantages and that I make conditioned assumptions about others isn't harmful. It helps understand other people and keep things in proper context.

You haven't read much Critical Race Theory. Because simply recognizing this hardly absolves you, in fact it makes it worse if you have not done anything about your comforts.

This might help you with your next steps:

Amazon product ASIN 1728209803
Conservatives better get on the offensive real soon..........
White guilt only goes so far. America just hasn’t reached that point. No racist and no homo. Actually ....reported myself...not really.
I just want to be judged by my actions and abilities and not my skin color. Also, here is a list of things white people do.
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This person...

Wrote this book and did this interview.

This is all taught is schools now.

This is why we have serious problems right now. These bs ideas have been co-opted by Marxist, BLM and antifa.

A black writer at The Atlantic nailed the absurdity of this book today:

"White Fragility is, in the end, a book about how to make certain educated white readers feel better about themselves. DiAngelo’s outlook rests upon a depiction of Black people as endlessly delicate poster children within this self-gratifying fantasy about how white America needs to think—or, better, stop thinking. Her answer to white fragility, in other words, entails an elaborate and pitilessly dehumanizing condescension toward Black people. The sad truth is that anyone falling under the sway of this blinkered, self-satisfied, punitive stunt of a primer has been taught, by a well-intentioned but tragically misguided pastor, how to be racist in a whole new way."
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You haven't read much Critical Race Theory. Because simply recognizing this hardly absolves you, in fact it makes it worse if you have not done anything about your comforts.

This might help you with your next steps:

Critical Theory was created by higher education to capture the educational dollars of people who are not qualified or lack the abilities to study traditional educational disciplines
A black writer at The Atlantic nailed the absurdity of this book today:

"White Fragility is, in the end, a book about how to make certain educated white readers feel better about themselves. DiAngelo’s outlook rests upon a depiction of Black people as endlessly delicate poster children within this self-gratifying fantasy about how white America needs to think—or, better, stop thinking. Her answer to white fragility, in other words, entails an elaborate and pitilessly dehumanizing condescension toward Black people. The sad truth is that anyone falling under the sway of this blinkered, self-satisfied, punitive stunt of a primer has been taught, by a well-intentioned but tragically misguided pastor, how to be racist in a whole new way."
Nailed it. That is why antifa, progressives, BLM and the other religious organizations fronting for Marxism are racist and fascist irnaizations.
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Amusing. Recognizing that I have natural advantages and that I make conditioned assumptions about others isn't harmful. It helps understand other people and keep things in proper context.
^^^^Abrams voter^^^^ LOL!
I really can’t wait for them to post the one on blackness and what they say are the defining characteristics of black culture.
Yeah the hypocrisy is unbelievable. They would shut down any museum within 24 hours of any exhibit explaining "blackness", but this racial profiling of white people is totally cool.