Covid Deaths in Alabama last three days

Nailed it. Every thread plays out the same way. Any information that is less than 100% positive causes the usual suspects to pitch a fit over it not fitting their narrative. With any situation like this, there is always going to be positive and negative news. Deaths going down would be great news. Unfortunately, anyone who has followed this situation knows that a 3 day period over the weekend is not reliable to establish any trend due to the lag in reporting.

Record numbers of cases with a rising percentage of positive tests along with drastically increasing hospitalizations are all negative trends. Hopefully this does not translate to a continued rise in deaths. As Mr. H pointed out a couple of days ago, he and other doctors have learned a lot over the last few months and thus they are much better at treating COVID now which will hopefully continue to save many lives that might have otherwise been lost in March or April.

You realize the only thing this is proving is that shitting ourselves in the South before it got here was pointless, right?
This doesn’t help your case it’s a disclaimer that data reported DIRECTLY from state health websites isn’t always accurate which we know. Your attempting to argue a website equivalent to is more accurate than a registered domain name/hub used world wide to report COVID data in real time during a pandemic. Congrats on being a moron, dildo meat 8
As @ausuperjay noted, its honestly hard to believe you are this stupid. You claimed bama tracker should be ignored because of their disclaimer. Worldomerters has a disclaimer that is a page long and repeatedly says people should not rely on any of the data they report. Stop embarrassing yourself.
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possible Chinese ownership of Worldometer...


Chinese?!? You mean to tell me that AUM boy is pushing CHINESE data on us? Holy hell.

Chinese?!? You mean to tell me that AUM boy is pushing CHINESE data on us? Holy hell.
Indeed. Rice cakes thinks the shady global data aggregation site is more reliable for information in our state than people reporting data from one source, the ADPH, on Alabama cases. He picks some really odd hills to die on.
As @ausuperjay noted, its honestly hard to believe you are this stupid. You claimed bama tracker should be ignored because of their disclaimer. Worldomerters has a disclaimer that is a page long and repeatedly says people should not rely on any of the data they report. Stop embarrassing yourself.
You do realize that bamatracker is just based off a guy embedding graphs from csv spreadsheet and sticking it on a 3rd party hosted site right? It’s amateur no I don’t trust that site or the source they use to be accurate or in real time. You’ll believe anything that fits your opinion so it’s not surprising.
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You do realize that bamatracker is just based off a guy embedding graphs from csv spreadsheet and sticking it on a 3rd party hosted site right? It’s amateur no I don’t trust that site or the source they use to be accurate or in real time. You’ll believe anything that fits your opinion so it’s not surprising.
Keep spinning rice cakes. Wikipedia won't even allow worlometer data on their site because they don't meet any sort of data curation or transparency standards. You lost, again.
Nobody is excited... just not living in the land of make-believe, you piece of shit.

What about my original post was make believe? My post, not someone elses

And how am I the piece of shit when you were cheering fro the death total rising?
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I havent down that before. But you too came across giddy as hell the death total increased.

You calling anyone a scumbag is full of irony

Who came across as “giddy?” Point out where, big boy.

This little trope is absolutely pathetic. You have no shame, decency or respect for the dead.
Who came across as “giddy?” Point out where, big boy.

This little trope is absolutely pathetic. You have no shame, decency or respect for the dead.

You came across as giddy in your reply.

How do I have no shame, decency, or respect for the dead?

Why do you lie so much?
You came across as giddy in your reply.

How do I have no shame, decency, or respect for the dead?

Why do you lie so much?

Nah, that’s just your default response when someone shoves some reality up your sorry ass.
You came across as giddy in your reply.

No one came across as giddy. Your bias toward those of us that use logic to point out that significant danger still exists leads you to lash out in strange ways. You should slow your roll.
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He’s no fambly of mine, dawg. I’ve had enuff of dis bullshitz.
DAWG, when you throw a sinzitive topic out thare like COEVID19, you gotta preeepare foe a BILLYUN diffrunt upinyuns.
I thank the virus iz SCARY AZ HAYUL and hozzpitals are packed and peeepel are dying too much. But, dats my upinyun. I wood bet dat nun of uz in dis thred, BEESIDES the DOKKTAZ and NURSES, know varry much about COEVID19.
You gotz to undastand that itz ok for peeeepel to have diffrunt upinyuns.
Nah, that’s just your default response when someone shoves some reality up your sorry ass.

You didn't post any reality. You just made stuff up after getting called out for being giddy about the death total rising.

You are super sensitive dude
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DAWG, when you throw a sinzitive topic out thare like COEVID19, you gotta preeepare foe a BILLYUN diffrunt upinyuns.
I thank the virus iz SCARY AZ HAYUL and hozzpitals are packed and peeepel are dying too much. But, dats my upinyun. I wood bet dat nun of uz in dis thred, BEESIDES the DOKKTAZ and NURSES, know varry much about COEVID19.
You gotz to undastand that itz ok for peeeepel to have diffrunt upinyuns.

Dawg, diffrunt upinyunz is fine... but tellin peoplez they is rootin for deathz ain’t cool.
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No one came across as giddy. Your bias toward those of us that use logic to point out that significant danger still exists leads you to lash out in strange ways. You should slow your roll.

You came across as giddy with your bump today.

You and I actually had a civil discussion about this yesterday. You literally agreed me.

I never said this thing was a hoax, I never said the drop would be the norm.
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We will never be over it. It is here to stay, even when a vaccine shows up. People that get the flu vaccine still get the flu and yes some die from the flu. We might as well get out of the fetal position and start living again.
Loud applause
You didn't post any reality. You just made stuff up after getting called out for being giddy about the death total rising.

You are super sensitive dude

Made stuff up? Is the chart fake news? What did I make up?

I’ll absolutely go after any pathetic POS who pulls the “rooting for deaths” crap in response to acknowledging reality. People are dying and you’re trolling about it.
You came across as giddy with your bump today.

No one asked what your perception was. It has no basis on the discussion, anyway. I got ripped yesterday because the Saturday/Sunday numbers were low. I warned there was a backlog ... and there was one. So, I pointed it out. That's it.

All this drivel is pointless.
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Made stuff up? Is the chart fake news? What did I make up?

I’ll absolutely go after any pathetic POS who pulls the “rooting for deaths” crap in response to acknowledging reality. People are dying and you’re trolling about it.

I haven't trolled a single person about.

What about the original post of this thread was a troll. What about it was not acknowledging reality.

I don't think you root for deaths. I don't think anyone on hear is hoping people die.

I think the issue for people like you is that you want to be right so bad and you want those who disagree with to be wrong so bad, that if a piece of information comes up that supports your side of the argument, you get giddy, and that is how you came across.

While the one day reporting of death total went up, there is plenty to still see that is positive. Even with the one day record, the averages have remained flat or even dropped (depending on the number of days) from a week ago, even with the case surges in the last month. New cases also dropped.
No one asked what your perception was. It has no basis on the discussion, anyway. I got ripped yesterday because the Saturday/Sunday numbers were low. I warned there was a backlog ... and there was one. So, I pointed it out. That's it.

All this drivel is pointless.

No one asked you for an update. No one asked you share your opinion in my thread yesterday. No one asked me to start the thread.

A whole lot of "no one asked you" every day on this board, far more than the "someone asked you"
I don't think you root for deaths. I don't think anyone on hear is hoping people die.

Then quit running your mouth.

There’s a guy posting here who is worried about his grandfather as we speak. Nobody is “giddy” about that. If you don’t have the stones to acknowledge reality, at least have some respect for the people who are dealing with this first-hand.
Then quit running your mouth.

There’s a guy posting here who is worried about his grandfather as we speak. Nobody is “giddy” about that. If you don’t have the stones to acknowledge reality, at least have some respect for the people who are dealing with this first-hand.

Quit coming across as giddy to post bad news to help your argument.

Not sure who the poster is, but I'll be praying for his father.

Who doesn't have respect for those dealing with this. Does making stuff up just come natural for you?
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No one asked you for an update. No one asked you share your opinion in my thread yesterday. No one asked me to start the thread.


It's also frustrating to be accused of being happy about people dying. At no point in any of my ramblings over the last few weeks have I ever implied anything of the sort ... even while being repeatedly mocked and called a "death bro".

The people that mock those that are dying aren't the ones posting numbers ... they're the ones that complain about masks, say that the risk is over, call people "fats and olds" and then go in and offer "thoughts and prayers" to those on the board that are losing family members to this virus.
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DAWG, when you throw a sinzitive topic out thare like COEVID19, you gotta preeepare foe a BILLYUN diffrunt upinyuns.
I thank the virus iz SCARY AZ HAYUL and hozzpitals are packed and peeepel are dying too much. But, dats my upinyun. I wood bet dat nun of uz in dis thred, BEESIDES the DOKKTAZ and NURSES, know varry much about COEVID19.
You gotz to undastand that itz ok for peeeepel to have diffrunt upinyuns.
ill neva understand the opinyuns of ppl on the bunka who cheer on the deths increasing doc! kinda weird iyam
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