Andy Reid seems like a bad father


First Round Draft Pick
Gold Member
Dec 12, 2011
First he lets his live-in son turn his house into a drug den in Philly, now he's nepotising his other kid all the way to jail for his second DUI. This time he sent a little girl to the hospital with life-threatening injuries.

You kan chooose to have kids, but you kant chooose how Thay act.
I got a sizzzta in Virjinya who iz a grate mom. She haz 3 kids and 2 of them are juzt AWESUM. Wun of them iz a KUMPLEEET FUKK UP
My kids will be aware that what their actions will have financial consequences. If you’re an idiot you won’t be getting any money when I die.
You kan chooose to have kids, but you kant chooose how Thay act.
I got a sizzzta in Virjinya who iz a grate mom. She haz 3 kids and 2 of them are juzt AWESUM. Wun of them iz a KUMPLEEET FUKK UP

You get 18 years to pour into them. The more you pour positivity into them, are there for them, and model what you want for them, the better the chance of them living a better life as an adult. Nothing is guaranteed but your choices as parents do matter.

Money + absentee father = what Andy Reid is dealing with now

Sewing and Reaping and stuff
Do you guys think a good father lets his young adult son run a drug emporium out of the father's house? I don't. Sounds like absenteeism to me.

I am guessing he was an absent father. Cared more of about winning and football than being a positive influence in his children’s life. Reminds me of the nut job that sabans daughter is
I am guessing he was an absent father. Cared more of about winning and football than being a positive influence in his children’s life. Reminds me of the nut job that sabans daughter is

I think coaches are kind of absent parents just by the nature of the job. You can’t do everything at one time, so a lot of the parenting falls on the mother. I think it would be a lot harder if you had boys. I’d say they were probably spoiled as a result of not getting a lot of attention. But, some people are just fck ups regardless of their parents.
I am guessing he was an absent father. Cared more of about winning and football than being a positive influence in his children’s life. Reminds me of the nut job that sabans daughter is

I think Kristen saban has other issues. His son seems to be a pretty normal person.
Has anyone ever asked why an NFL coach has to work 100 hours a week? I suspect they don’t, but choose to.
Same reason anyone does.

Because the sonovabitch who wants what you have, is working 95.

There is nothing wrong with being hyper-competitive. It just doesn't mesh well with parenting, and once you have kids, parenting should be yore priority.

You get 18 years to pour into them. The more you pour positivity into them, are there for them, and model what you want for them, the better the chance of them living a better life as an adult. Nothing is guaranteed but your choices as parents do matter.

Money + absentee father = what Andy Reid is dealing with now

Sewing and Reaping and stuff
Reeezpektfully dizagree. I know a lottta GOOOD PEEEPEL who have sum kids dat iz messed up.
Thay poured a tun of Luv in thare kidz.
I bet REID and Hiz wife iz perty good folks.
I know wun if thare kids DEWALT wit ADDICKSHUN and Thatz a HOLE NUTHA STORY. ADDIKKSHUN iz a bitch. I don’t blame parents for dat disease!
Reeezpektfully dizagree. I know a lottta GOOOD PEEEPEL who have sum kids dat iz messed up.
Thay poured a tun of Luv in thare kidz.
I bet REID and Hiz wife iz perty good folks.
I know wun if thare kids DEWALT wit ADDICKSHUN and Thatz a HOLE NUTHA STORY. ADDIKKSHUN iz a bitch. I don’t blame parents for dat disease!
Kids who have the same parenting, turning out differently in every meaningful way, is a phenomenon that is documented to the point of filling libraries. It's a fundamental of the nature/nurture argument, and there is no question that the same parenting does not produce the same results. Everyone knows that the more time and energy that you put towards raising your kids, the better your chances of having a positive outcome, but there are no guarantees.
It would depend on what your definition of balance is, but there are only 24 hours in the day. You can't spend 18 running a company and still have some time left over to drive Topher to soccer practice. The math just doesn't work.
There are people on this board and all over the country that run successful companies or at the peak of their industry who are present fathers raising great kids. It’s a choice.

The guy in accounting spending 12-14 hours a day generating countless TPS reports out of fear of losing his job is the better analogy. That’s not Andy Reid.
There are people on this board and all over the country that run successful companies or at the peak of their industry who are present fathers raising great kids. It’s a choice.

The guy in accounting spending 12-14 hours a day generating countless TPS reports out of fear of losing his job is the better analogy. That’s not Andy Reid.
There are people on this board and all over the country that run successful companies or at the peak of their industry who are present fathers raising great kids. It’s a choice.

The guy in accounting spending 12-14 hours a day generating countless TPS reports out of fear of losing his job is the better analogy. That’s not Andy Reid.
Luck plays a role.

As does a wife who is actually a decent to good mother. And then there’s supportive family close by.

Among many other factors.