Than the rest of the world does? What is happening to us with Davis happens in business on a regular basis. I am just curious why we react so crazy when it happens in football? We can't foresee a coach backing out when he is hired. It isn't an indictment upon the one that took him at his word anymore than it is a feather in the hat for getting it right. I don't have a problem with turnover when trying to get the staff filled correctly. If you make the wrong move, fire the joker and give another person a chance. Nearly every time it isn't a mistake hire, but an issue with the hired not performing to the ability they sold to get hired. You hope there are clues that is the case that prevents the hire. We haven't been a victim of that here. Also not hiring the fans guy doesn't indict a coaching hire when something goes wrong. We are caught up in a world of over reactors and over thinkers. The way forward is to fire a guy not performing, and in this circumstance chalk it up to bad luck and make a new hire. It is obvious there is an issue here. Go ahead, part ways, and make a new hire.