Do these people not understand they couldn't afford to live comfortably in this country without taxation?
“Top Rate” today is supposedly 37%. As recently as 1963 the “Top Rate” was 91%
( ). Though only part of taxes US citizens pay, income taxes (for most people) are the greatest tax expense yet relatively low.
The people who don't want to pay any taxes should be allowed to not do so. They should be strictly monitored (which would create jobs,) and have to pay an unsubsidized fee to use any service. Wanna get groceries, walk to the store. Your child has a high fever, $10,000 bucks before you can drive them on tax-subsidised roads (let's not discuss hospital care if they could afford to get their child treatment.) A kitchen fire gets out of hand, your whole house burns down; with no fire department response. They wouldn't have electricity, or water. If someone were to rob them they'd have no protection without taxation. Good luck getting insurance. The list of conveniences provided by taxation in this country is nearly endless, and some still claim it's theft.
Don't think about air travel without paying taxes. YOU COULDN'T AFFORD IT.
(Anxious to read the taxation whiners' response.)
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