Makes you wonder why our own health experts aren't pushing treatments.
Doctors like Dr. Peter McCollough called this out long ago, and he was cancelled for it. After 18 months of what the leading authorities were saying was a world shaking, devastating pandemic, we still didn't even have a consensus treatment routine. There is no normal situation, with any other disease where this would have happened. It's a clear sign that the leading authorities, and powers that be, have an agenda.
Even the doctors who were constantly talking about the overflowing emergency rooms, only offered a single solution......, the new vaccines. A few doctors were asking WHY, after 18 months we didn't even have a simple consensus/best practice treatment routine established, and we telling folks, "Okay, go home, and if your oxygen saturation levels get to X%, then come to the ER, etc.
Given all of the myriad other smoke signals, when you see this many things that just don't make common sense, it should be pretty obvious what is happening. There is to be only one solution, and that's for everyone on earth, in every age category, to get the new vaccines, whether there is a real need in that age group or not.