The majority or House and Senate Republican candidates out performed Trump. Thats abnormal in an General Election, especially for an incumbent.
The American people did not reject conservatism, they rejected Trump.
I am not sure where the Dems go when they don't have Trump to campaign against. They are not winning the policy debate and that will become more apparent when Trump is no longer front and center.
The best move would be to kick back at their radical base and work with Mcconnell on bi partisian legislation but im pretty sure they will not.
The American people did not reject conservatism, they rejected Trump.
I am not sure where the Dems go when they don't have Trump to campaign against. They are not winning the policy debate and that will become more apparent when Trump is no longer front and center.
The best move would be to kick back at their radical base and work with Mcconnell on bi partisian legislation but im pretty sure they will not.