Think a lot of us change when we get to college, usually for the better. Not having grace for others who make mistakes is bad.
i know i've personally come a long way in regards to understanding the racial complexities we have in this country since i was a teenager...the movement may be missing out on people that will eventually become allies by completely closing the door on people that are young and have no control over how they were raised or what environment they grew up in
That post was in response to people who are actively trying...and succeeding....in getting kids kicked out of college or taking away their education opportunities prior to college.
According to this person, we're all who we are going to be prior to 18. That is insanity.
I don’t know that it’s necessarily awful if a light is shown on an overtly racist person’s statements. I HATE the idea of social media getting to do it. They are the WORST fact checkers and will wrongly ruin someone’s life in a rush to be a part of exposing a “racist.” Everybody retweets the accusation. Nobody retweets the retraction.
It's "necessarily awful" because its a massive slippery slope that has gone from excommunicating people who repeat rap lyrics with the n-word to not sufficiently showing support with the black square on your social media and donating to the causes.
There's always a next level. Used to you could apologize and commit the rest of your life to showing that this bad snippet in time wasn't who you really were, and now its become "What you said when you were 15 either in private or to your 25 followers will prevent you from having a successful life"
... but you’ve got my wheels turning OP.
Think a lot of us change when we get to college, usually for the better. Not having grace for others who make mistakes is bad.
I certainly agree with your post OP, but I do NOT agree with the inflammatory and pablum'ish assertion that BLM is a single collective where one tweet speaks for all people who want to remind the world that Black Lives Matter TOO.b
I certainly never said that and don't agree with that being of one collective. I am sympathetic to black lives matter moreso than Black Lives Matter™.
Do you feel that the collective thought expressed in that single tweet, should be attributed to any and all associate with "Black Lives Matter too"? If not, why make the post, or why not at least disambiguate and say, "Hey, at least one person tweeting under the Black Lives Matter too handle is a bit short-sighted.
You're barking up the wrong tree. I literally said in the first sentence of the subject why I thought it was significant. It has 400k Likes, 400,000 people/bots/whoever on a social media platform thought what they said was good. The person could have been named Flippy Dippy Dip and I would have still been alarmed.
To be honest I didn't post it with the intention at all of calling out Black Lives Matter. I just thought the message of the post was horrific and alarming.
I wonder how many saw it overall, but there's no doubt that people flip likes to crap like that without thinking, and that many are misled into thinking that ANY and all infractions should lead to immediate tar'ring and feathering.
Its 100% ok to think that there are A LOT of people who are demented psychopaths who enjoy watching people suffer for mistakes.