Lotz of GOSSSIP reeeezently on dis kid pozzzibly changing hiz address frum tuzkaloooooza to GOD'S KUNTRY.
Firzt of all------------KAN YOU BLAME HIZ AZZ???????????????????????????
SEKKKUNDLY, juzt wanted to add sum kwick video of the kid JUZT IN CASE the GOSSSIP iz TRUE.
FTR-----DOC duz not know the kid, hiz COACH, hiz PARENTS or ANY of hiz TEEEECHERS. So DOC haz abzaloootly NO IDEA az to the extent of the ACCCURACY of the GOSSSIP.
Here's sum kwick video and BEEELOW I make a FEW POINTS:
Wut are the (2) MOZT IMPORTANT attributes of a reeeceeeeva???
(1) Duz he katch WIT HIZ HANDZ out FRUNT?
(2) Will he uze the MIDDDDA of the FIELD???
SMITH iz EKKKSELLLENT at BOTH theeeeeze. Thatz a grate sign.
Lazzztly, he duz not play the bezt high skool kompetishun, but thatz ok. Dat ain't hiz fault.
Heeez frum SELMA and DAWGZ come outttta SELMA. We got wun on the O-LINE.
@Big Blue
Lotz of GOSSSIP reeeezently on dis kid pozzzibly changing hiz address frum tuzkaloooooza to GOD'S KUNTRY.
Firzt of all------------KAN YOU BLAME HIZ AZZ???????????????????????????
SEKKKUNDLY, juzt wanted to add sum kwick video of the kid JUZT IN CASE the GOSSSIP iz TRUE.
FTR-----DOC duz not know the kid, hiz COACH, hiz PARENTS or ANY of hiz TEEEECHERS. So DOC haz abzaloootly NO IDEA az to the extent of the ACCCURACY of the GOSSSIP.
Here's sum kwick video and BEEELOW I make a FEW POINTS:
Wut are the (2) MOZT IMPORTANT attributes of a reeeceeeeva???
(1) Duz he katch WIT HIZ HANDZ out FRUNT?
(2) Will he uze the MIDDDDA of the FIELD???
SMITH iz EKKKSELLLENT at BOTH theeeeeze. Thatz a grate sign.
Lazzztly, he duz not play the bezt high skool kompetishun, but thatz ok. Dat ain't hiz fault.
Heeez frum SELMA and DAWGZ come outttta SELMA. We got wun on the O-LINE.
@Big Blue