At dis point, I ain't gotta klue WHICH QUARTABAKKZ will be IN THE HOUSE during SPRANG PRAKTISS.
I kan assume that HANK and WALKER will be thare.
I have no idea if THORN and HOLDY GOLDY will be on the ROZZZZTA.
You gottta make HANK and WALKER go "LIVE" againzt 11 man DEEEFENTZES ERRRY PRAKTISSSS.
WAY TOO MUCH TIME iz spent on QUARTABAKKS doing AWFUL DRILLS AGAINZT "AIR" when thare throwing "5 YARD OUTS."
All that stuff needz to end at SUMMMER CAMPS and "7 ON 7" TERNEYS.
LET theeeez kids seee the "REEEL SPEEEED" of KOLLEGE PLAYAZ errry sangle praktisssss.
Beeefore I leeeve dis post, I'd like to continue to azzk errywun to HELP UZ LOCATE @FIG-JAM!!!!!!
The FAMBLY iz growing kuncerned!!
@Big Blue
I kan assume that HANK and WALKER will be thare.
I have no idea if THORN and HOLDY GOLDY will be on the ROZZZZTA.
You gottta make HANK and WALKER go "LIVE" againzt 11 man DEEEFENTZES ERRRY PRAKTISSSS.
WAY TOO MUCH TIME iz spent on QUARTABAKKS doing AWFUL DRILLS AGAINZT "AIR" when thare throwing "5 YARD OUTS."
All that stuff needz to end at SUMMMER CAMPS and "7 ON 7" TERNEYS.
LET theeeez kids seee the "REEEL SPEEEED" of KOLLEGE PLAYAZ errry sangle praktisssss.
Beeefore I leeeve dis post, I'd like to continue to azzk errywun to HELP UZ LOCATE @FIG-JAM!!!!!!
The FAMBLY iz growing kuncerned!!
@Big Blue