I want to be VARRRY KLEEEER that I do not know how ACCURATE this article iz. HOWEVA, if true, this iz abzaloootly GUT WRENCHING TARRIBULL.
I'm shure thare's things we need to know, LIKE what RELATION wuz MAHOGANY to her KILLERS? How did she end up with them?
She suppozedly called her FAMILY during the torture.
@Jesus Beaver
@The Canoeman
@Rachel Morand
@Big Blue
I'm shure thare's things we need to know, LIKE what RELATION wuz MAHOGANY to her KILLERS? How did she end up with them?
She suppozedly called her FAMILY during the torture.
Alabama woman was stripped, tortured and raped before being shot
An Alabama mother was kidnapped and tortured for hours before being gang raped and murdered by a gang of eight.
@Jesus Beaver
@The Canoeman
@Rachel Morand
@Big Blue