The article touches on one of my primary messages, and one of the biggest complaints that I've had with your and other's harmful cheerleading. The article says:
"Many Americans’ unrealistic expectations of the COVID-19 vaccines may have originated with
real-world evidence published by the CDC in March, showing that in the first couple of months after vaccination, two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine were 90 percent effective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections, not just disease. People, including many experts, took this to mean that vaccinated people basically couldn’t get infected and couldn’t transmit the virus to others. This set the stage for the CDC to
say that fully vaccinated people no longer needed to wear a mask in most situations. Many Americans believed that if they were vaccinated, they couldn’t get COVID-19 and could end all precautions. But longer-term follow-up showed that vaccine effectiveness against infection later dropped to
66 percent. "
I've been complaining about the propaganda, and spun stats and how it might hurt us. It's unfortunate that in their short-sighted, and incorrect approach to get as many as possible to take the vaccine, they gave everyone the impression that the vaccines provided sterilizing immunity, and told them they could start mass gatherings, while also stopping best practices that minimized the spread of COVID. The result? This current surge that we're in. Now you see all kinds of spinning, backtracking and equivocation rather than simply saying, "We made a mistake". It's sad man.