turn. That is simply not the american way nor what made this country great. The Brits taxed us unfairly and we killed them. We burned their town and killed their families. When the Indians fought our expansion we wiped them out. When the North and South fought over taxes we killed in horrific numbers. When WWI broke out we went over and killed to protect our economic interests. WWII we were actually threatened and we bombed Germany into oblivion, targeting civilian economic targets. In Japan we slaughtered entire cities in retribution. Vietnam we tried to fight a civilized war and got 2 million cambodians killed and lost. First Iraq war we killed a million Iraqis to protect our oil interests. 2nd time we killed a million or so just to take no chances. When I was young and you had a problem with another student, teachers and coaches said take it outside. This is just a prelude to me saying that if I was at a political rally or any other event and someone calling my wife a f...ing nazi and jostled my children I would take him out. If I caught a terrorist who I knew had info I would cut his nuts off and then take a piece at time until he talked. Then I would kill his family . It is who we used to be and need to be again.