This is a big debate in my area right now. Let me preface this by saying that there are a bunch of private schools in my area. Roughly, 15 in a city of 150K. 2 opposing movements are happening. Both obviously political. One is private school parents wanting relief in their tax burden because their kids don't attend public school. Second is a movement, primarily lead by those on the left, to shut down the private schools. What has them pissed is that the private schools are giving out scholarships to athletes. So, not only are they excelling academically, they are also starting to take over in athletics. Also, in every community with a high minority population, there are private schools where most of the white children attend. You end up with segregated schools. And because the private schools are provide better education, those kids excel beyond grade school over the public school kids. There is also the anti religion factor, as many of the private schools are religious based. So, should private schools be allowed to exist?