I could tell by their hangdog faces and slack posture in the locker room pregame AND halftime that we were going to lose.
Contrast that with Pearl's energy in Auburn's locker room.
Something needs to change. Our guys look defeated.
Pearl makes you wanna run through a wall for him during the pregame. Our guys looked like they wanted to take a quick nap
Told my son when I saw the pregame locker took footage that I thought they weren’t really into it. Guess I was right. These boys today were not prepared, not dialed in, and absolutely looked like they didn’t give a shit.
Some days you aren't ready for your A game at work. And this is a job for them.
And this is one of the most bipolar UK teams I can ever remember.
Auburn is the best team in CBB this season. Mature, physical, hard-nosed two-way players up and down the roster, and they play with confidence and high energy. We couldn’t take their best shot if we were a 100% healthy – but neither can anyone else. If healthy I believe UK could beat AU with their (A-) game if AU had a slightly subpar game (maybe C/B- game). And tonight the turnovers and 3pt. shooting were no where close to an (A-) game.
Auburn can have the title, so long as it costs Duke another championship.
Reminds me of or better teams. Just better than rest of league.
He can't sit there with his hands in his pockets acting like the good mormon.
He has a responsibility to fight for his team and he has absolutely failed at that. Its as bad as the turnover machine we've become. The players are rattled and that falls back on Pope.
He has to do better.
Pope has sucked ass today. I agree.
They have a way better team and as of this points n their respective careers, a way better coach.
Auburn is the best team in America. They are on the level with some of the top teams to win a NC. They have picked UK’s pocket all day because they are better and have incredible depth. UK has had multiple injuries to key players and has not played to its capabilities since the SEC conference games started.
Yes, they have turned the ball over too much. I did not expect UK to win today because of the injuries and because of the depth and superiority of Auburn’s talent.
UK still has a chance to pull off some wins provided they get key players healthy in time for the tournament. Depth is a killer right now and playing a dynamic team like Auburn exposes the absolute worst in Kentucky’s struggles.
Yeah Pope should have gameplanned better for grown men dribbling balls off of their knee. Pope has squeezed every drop of juice out of this lemon.