If you pay any attention to Auburn Football, you should know that Rudy has been a hell of a player for our team and has gone beyond the call of duty time and time again. None of us know what happened on that one play to cause him to act the way he did, but if we had 11 guys with the heart and effort of Ford on the D we'd be in pretty damn good shape.
Quit acting like pansies and support the team. Some players (and coaches) may deserve to get blasted from time to time, but Rudy is a hard working man that will most likely be playing on Sundays, and even if not, he's earned my respect.
Quit acting like pansies and support the team. Some players (and coaches) may deserve to get blasted from time to time, but Rudy is a hard working man that will most likely be playing on Sundays, and even if not, he's earned my respect.