I was on Beltline HWY 67 in Decatur last Tuesday morning and saw a cop with lights flashing about three miles ahead. He had just issued a violation, was getting back on the split highway & headed my way. I was in the flow of traffic when I met him and he crossed the median. Then he turned on his lights AGAIN and pulled in behind me after about a mile. I had no idea why, but when I turned on Hwy 72, he followed me. I pulled into the first place I could get off the road, which I didn't realize was a mini mart and he screams over the megaphone "PULL OUT OF THE ENTRANCE". He is a young, chubby, red faced guy that appeared angry at the world. I won't get into anymore details, but he wrote me up for 60 in a 45 and was rather arrogant about it so I demanded to look at his radar gun. He objected and started pointing at my ticket and said I HAD to read what he had circled before he would let me look at his gun. I refused and went to look anyway and there it was flashing "59!!!". I told him that was all I needed and I'd see him in court. Still furious, he kept demanding that I look at what he had circled. Told him I'd let the judge look at it and to have a NICE DAY. What he had circled was "MOV NB. TRACKING STARTED @ 60 MPH LOCKED AT 59 MPH. SEE VIDEO". The ticket actually says "60 MPH in 45 Speed Limit". Also he had lectured me that when I got off of HWY 24, there was a sign that SAID 45 MPH. On my way home, I noticed that my WAZE App took me on Trinity Road and I never even saw the speed limit sign. @MattAU05 or any other counselors. Do I have a CHANCE? I have NEVER had a problem taking my licking, but this guy was a total ASS. At least I took pleasure in taking HIS