He wants to wait a bit longer to recognize a winner. Seems like a rationale approach.
“It is one of those countries that is the ‘mother of democracy,’” Bolsonaro stated. “Now, the media does not report on this but I have my sources of information. It’s no use talking to you, they won’t disclose it, but there was a lot of fraud there.”
“It is one of those countries that is the ‘mother of democracy,’” Bolsonaro stated. “Now, the media does not report on this but I have my sources of information. It’s no use talking to you, they won’t disclose it, but there was a lot of fraud there.”

Brazilian President: “There Is Widespread Evidence Of Voting Fraud In US” - WayneDupree.com
***UPDATE*** Brazil’s President says he has “sources” and knows for a fact that there was election fraud in 2020. Watch: Brazil President Bolsonaro: I “have sources” that "there was fraud there" in the American elections. Bolsonaro boldly going where not even Putin and Xi dare to...