We're about eight months into this thing now, so I just wanted to see where everyone's head is at on this thing. My wife and I are 2's, and just about everyone we know is a 2. I put a neck gaiter made out of fabric so sheer it might as well be pantyhose over my mouth when I walk into Costco to avoid the evil looks. Everybody at work (Alabama National Guard) kinda half asses wearing a mask in the halls, and nobody has been teleworking for several months now. We just had Friendsgiving at our house this past weekend. 16 folks in the same house. Not one person wanted to opt out from fear of Big Rona, and nobody brought a mask. We'll be having large family gatherings at Christmas and Thanksgiving as well.
But we were always 2's. From the very start of this thing I would've been in Nashville for the SEC Tournament if they hadn't canceled it. We always knew the risks were pretty low for people in our age bracket, and we were willing to risk it to continue our lives the way we wanted to live them. What I'm really interested in is if anybody has changed their mind from the start of this thing. Were you a 3, and now you're a 1 or 2? Or did anybody out there start as a 1 and end up a 4? Tell me your Rona story.
But we were always 2's. From the very start of this thing I would've been in Nashville for the SEC Tournament if they hadn't canceled it. We always knew the risks were pretty low for people in our age bracket, and we were willing to risk it to continue our lives the way we wanted to live them. What I'm really interested in is if anybody has changed their mind from the start of this thing. Were you a 3, and now you're a 1 or 2? Or did anybody out there start as a 1 and end up a 4? Tell me your Rona story.