Of course, anyone with a functioning brain knew this to be the case a long time ago. You'd have to be black hole stupid to argue otherwise.
"Although a determination of the number of additional nursing home deaths is beyond the capacity of the Task Force, there are credible reviews that suggest that the directive, for the approximately six weeks that it was in effect, did lead to some number of additional deaths," the report states.
The essay also states that the state Department of Health report in 2020 that argued the admission of thousands of COVID-positive residents had no impact "cannot be the case, and has now been shown not to be the case."
"Although a determination of the number of additional nursing home deaths is beyond the capacity of the Task Force, there are credible reviews that suggest that the directive, for the approximately six weeks that it was in effect, did lead to some number of additional deaths," the report states.
The essay also states that the state Department of Health report in 2020 that argued the admission of thousands of COVID-positive residents had no impact "cannot be the case, and has now been shown not to be the case."