You know the girl you've been waiting to date, or at least get a chance with, it's finally here. You have dreamed of how great it would be but now, 3 weeks in, it's not all it's cracked up to be. U go out one night, it's not going well and then you see this other little lady. She catches your eye, but you're unsure if she's better than what u waited 3 years for. You're thinking, man I've waited 3 years for this and then boom, it's not that great and this other cutie is just standing there, all innocent and shy. You wanna take that one night stand, just to see if you can do better...if she's better, but you can't, because your too damn loyal to this idea in your head that what you have waited for is the tits. Take that one night stand Gus, for all of us just to see.