During fall practices and scrimmages did the offense run a version of the true read-option using JJ or did they run an offense that we see now that is more of a drop back passing game with little to none in the play-action department? It really seems to me that we have completely abandoned our offensive identity. It has been 3 games and not only has JJ not improved, he has digressed. It is blatantly obvious that he is so frustrated he isn't really trying anymore. The pass into the dirt is a fine example.
I do not believe JJ can be an affective read-option qb. He can run pretty fast in a straight line as seem against LSU. He definitely cannot move laterally with quick juke type moves to wiggle his way up the field if he were to keep the ball at the mesh point.
I do not believe JJ can be an affective read-option qb. He can run pretty fast in a straight line as seem against LSU. He definitely cannot move laterally with quick juke type moves to wiggle his way up the field if he were to keep the ball at the mesh point.