It's not the first, the evidence is mounting and consistent. Study shows that those with 2 vax's lose 37% of their life expectancy. The more you're vaxxed, the more you lose - compared to the unvaxxed. Also shows additional boosters have no positive effect - only add to the complications. Not included in this study are the data from heavily vaxxed countries showing extremely high abnormal death rates. Turbo cancers are soaring.
Study covered 2 years and 245,000 individuals.
Remember when buckshot (@00aubie) was telling me I HAD to get vaxxed, he and the rest of the circle jerk were saying we weren't fit to walk around if we weren't vaxxed. Again, they didn't know what the hell they were talking about.
They are consistent.
Study covered 2 years and 245,000 individuals.
Remember when buckshot (@00aubie) was telling me I HAD to get vaxxed, he and the rest of the circle jerk were saying we weren't fit to walk around if we weren't vaxxed. Again, they didn't know what the hell they were talking about.
They are consistent.

A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province
Immortal time bias (ITB) is common in cohort studies and distorts the association estimates between the treated and untreated. We used data from an Italian study on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, with a large cohort, long follow-up, and adjustment for confounding factors, affected by ITB, with...