Here's our new VP cheering on actual rioting in which 30 innocent people died, hundreds injured and billions of dollars in private property destroyed. This also included blocking exits from a police station and trying to set it on fire incinerating those inside... And nobody on the left had anywhere near the rage as they do over this peaceful protest.
Gotta love the feigned moral outrage at people peacefully gathering on the capitol steps or gathering in Statutory Hall, held back from advancing further by a velvet rope....
People need to get a little perspective before they condemn others. And particulary for the 'progressives', a little less hypocrisy would be great.
Gotta love the feigned moral outrage at people peacefully gathering on the capitol steps or gathering in Statutory Hall, held back from advancing further by a velvet rope....
People need to get a little perspective before they condemn others. And particulary for the 'progressives', a little less hypocrisy would be great.