Louisville Riots


Redshirt Freshman
Gold Member
Sep 16, 2020
Time to let the bullets and billy clubs fly. Just another excuse for these thugs to loot and vandalize!
Just over a week for the ban hammer to fall. Not a record, but still very efficent.
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Two police officers were shot around 8:00 last night. Both should be OK. Very sad thugs are shooting police just because they are police.
you had a thread locked by a mod like an hour ago Maverick
not my fault JGT wanted one of the best threads on tMB in awhile to stay a secret. who wants to read about a gorgeous MILF... club... anyway?
Open season again I see.
We gotta give @Bassman sum huge props DAWG!!!
He wuz LOZZZZZT AZ HAYUL in dis FAMBLY a few munths back. Kooodn't go 2 minitz witout spouting sumthang political.
But, HAYUL, he haz cut all dat out and heeez been a GRATE MEMBA of da FAMBLY lately.
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