to find that folks on here were arguing that mask didn't affect your breathing. they even had medical articles saying so. I go to the gym daily. I do the cross trainer for a while and we are required to wear masks at all times. Very few people do treadmills or any cardio because they cant freakin breathe. even the state of maryland among the most restrictive in america allows you to remove your mask at the gym for short periods if you feel faint. those with existing respiratory problems are warned not to go to gym for that very reason. there are signs everywhere saying if the mask makes you feel dizzy or faint stop the exercise and remove mask. It's so freakin obvious it laughable. I have finally found that extra large very thin masks work ok if worn loosely. one time I tried a n95 and damn near died. doctors working in them in the operating room is a foolish example since they ain't moving around so it isn't a problem. here's the truth masks cause co2 to build up and oxygen flow to decrease to varying degrees. it doesnt alway adversely affect you but it always has some effect. to pretend otherwise is a lie. the medical community puts out false info regularly for what they decid eis the greater good. this is evil and censorship. they are deciding which truth you can handle and which they can. quite often for political reasons. they present only their worldview and squash dissent. this has been going on for thousands of years but with multi meia it has become flat out mass brainwashing