My initial concern with the COVID vaccines was the potential for molecular mimicry. "Molecular mimicry is defined as the theoretical possibility that sequence similarities between foreign and self-peptides are sufficient to result in the cross-activation of autoreactive T or B cells by pathogen-derived peptides." Basically, the vaccine causes the immune system to see what it thinks is a target but it's actually not. This could cause a variety of auto-immune issues.
You may have seen the videos of people sticking magnets to their arms where they got their COVID vaccines. It appears that some people have an area of magnetic attraction at the site of injection. Looking into the literature, it revealed "a potential sequence similarity between the relatively less-studied cysteine-rich cytoplasmic domain of coronavirus spike proteins and the vertebrate hepcidin protein." To put in layman's terms, our cellular iron regulator has similar molecular sequences as some SARS-Cov-2 spike proteins. IMO, this could cause a localized accumulation of iron from the dysregulation of cellular iron homeostasis. The literature states "iron dysregulation changes may only be at a local cellular/tissue level and not reach a systemic response."
The long term effects of this are unknown and needs to be examined. This could cause no adverse long term effects or it could cause more pronounced issues. The major problem I do see is that no one is looking into it. Our government should be looking and they are not.
As a side note, the Solanaceae plants (Nightshades) have a similar genetic sequence to SARS-Cov2 that could be a potential problem as well. Avoiding those plants may reduce inflammation for people who are having issues from the vaccination.
You may have seen the videos of people sticking magnets to their arms where they got their COVID vaccines. It appears that some people have an area of magnetic attraction at the site of injection. Looking into the literature, it revealed "a potential sequence similarity between the relatively less-studied cysteine-rich cytoplasmic domain of coronavirus spike proteins and the vertebrate hepcidin protein." To put in layman's terms, our cellular iron regulator has similar molecular sequences as some SARS-Cov-2 spike proteins. IMO, this could cause a localized accumulation of iron from the dysregulation of cellular iron homeostasis. The literature states "iron dysregulation changes may only be at a local cellular/tissue level and not reach a systemic response."
The long term effects of this are unknown and needs to be examined. This could cause no adverse long term effects or it could cause more pronounced issues. The major problem I do see is that no one is looking into it. Our government should be looking and they are not.
As a side note, the Solanaceae plants (Nightshades) have a similar genetic sequence to SARS-Cov2 that could be a potential problem as well. Avoiding those plants may reduce inflammation for people who are having issues from the vaccination.