Gottta chantz to go over the bazkitball "FILM" lazt nite.
Juzt a few thangz:
(1) I wish we wooda played dat teeeem ALL 3 GAMES
(2) I like BROOOOOME, J-WILL, TRAY ORE and WEZZZTRY in the game at same time. Rotate the utha 6 playaz each foe that utha spot.
(3) Imprezzzed wit BROOOOOM. Heeez got a "SIMPLE yet RESULTS ORIENTED" game. Got reeeely GOOOOD HANDS.
(4) LACK of a SHOOOOOOTA iz gunnna hert uz.
(5) ATHLETICIZZZM of ENTIRE TEEEM iz betta than lazt yeeer. Don't thank we'll be az good beeeekuzz we LOZT 2 FIRZT ROUNDERS.
(6) LIKE our SKORING OPPORTUNITIES wit "J-WILL", TRAY ORE and "J-WILL" within 15 feeet of the bazket.
(7) DEEEFENTZIVELY--we gotta chantz to REEEELY KUMPEEEET. Thatz probly got to be our BREAD and BUTTTTA. Don't thank we'll beet teeemz 95-80 like we dun did lazt yeer. Don't have the OFFFENTZIVE HORSES. Do thank we kan win sum 68-64 games wit our DEEEFENTZ.
(8) TOOO EARLY to preeedikkt ware we pozishun ourselves in the SEC but this teeem will have sum opportunities to WIN GAMES.
Juzt a few thangz:
(1) I wish we wooda played dat teeeem ALL 3 GAMES
(2) I like BROOOOOME, J-WILL, TRAY ORE and WEZZZTRY in the game at same time. Rotate the utha 6 playaz each foe that utha spot.
(3) Imprezzzed wit BROOOOOM. Heeez got a "SIMPLE yet RESULTS ORIENTED" game. Got reeeely GOOOOD HANDS.
(4) LACK of a SHOOOOOOTA iz gunnna hert uz.
(5) ATHLETICIZZZM of ENTIRE TEEEM iz betta than lazt yeeer. Don't thank we'll be az good beeeekuzz we LOZT 2 FIRZT ROUNDERS.
(6) LIKE our SKORING OPPORTUNITIES wit "J-WILL", TRAY ORE and "J-WILL" within 15 feeet of the bazket.
(7) DEEEFENTZIVELY--we gotta chantz to REEEELY KUMPEEEET. Thatz probly got to be our BREAD and BUTTTTA. Don't thank we'll beet teeemz 95-80 like we dun did lazt yeer. Don't have the OFFFENTZIVE HORSES. Do thank we kan win sum 68-64 games wit our DEEEFENTZ.
(8) TOOO EARLY to preeedikkt ware we pozishun ourselves in the SEC but this teeem will have sum opportunities to WIN GAMES.