Hey brothers. For those of you who have had laser lithotripsy, can you give me some advice, your experiences, etc.? They said they would leave a stint in there attached to a string. š±
As you may recall, I had a parathyroidectomy a couple years ago. At that time, I had ~22 stones. I had a CT scan the other day and I have ~20 still in there. I went ahead and scheduled a laser lithotripsy procedure for next Friday. This will focus on the right kidney where there are ~10-12 stones (at least three over 6mm).
As you may recall, I had a parathyroidectomy a couple years ago. At that time, I had ~22 stones. I had a CT scan the other day and I have ~20 still in there. I went ahead and scheduled a laser lithotripsy procedure for next Friday. This will focus on the right kidney where there are ~10-12 stones (at least three over 6mm).