Proven today as 100% fake.
Started by Hillary Clinton/DNC to distract from email scandal.
FBI knowingly withheld exculpatory information from FISA.
FBI knowingly withheld Seth Rich laptop information.
FBI never inspected DNC server.
No proof Russia hacked the DNC server.
FBI-DOJ-CIA- etc 100% complicit.
"18 Intel Agencies" forwarded/promoted false accusations.
FAKE MEDIA 100% complicit.
US politicians 100% complicit.
Foreign nations 100% complicit.
Started by Hillary Clinton/DNC to distract from email scandal.
FBI knowingly withheld exculpatory information from FISA.
FBI knowingly withheld Seth Rich laptop information.
FBI never inspected DNC server.
No proof Russia hacked the DNC server.
FBI-DOJ-CIA- etc 100% complicit.
"18 Intel Agencies" forwarded/promoted false accusations.
FAKE MEDIA 100% complicit.
US politicians 100% complicit.
Foreign nations 100% complicit.