Is sanctions homeless?

Oct 1, 2012
I ask out of concern for the less fortunate. I have noticed that sanctions never posts here before 9 am, and never posts after 5 pm. And always in short bursts, 15 mins or less.

It's apparent that he does not have control over the computer he uses to access this site. That, along with the consistency of never posting before 9am and never after 5pm suggests that he only has access to a computer during normal business hours. My guess is sanctions is homeless and he walks to a nearby library to use their computers. Of course, those computers are there for JOB SEEKERS, not sidewalkers that want to spend their 15 mins flaming their superiors.

sanctions here's a suggestion: Tomorrow use that 15 mins to actually find a job and better yourself. Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your life where you are right now. Until the library calls the police to evict you, and then what will you do?

We are here for you, Little Bro. We look down on the War Turds and laugh at them, but we have a heart. We just want to see you get off the streets.

That hot meal that Pops offered sounds pretty good about now, doesn't it? Better than Meow Mix stir fry under the overpass, amirite? LMAO!
Love the psych analysis! You are one talented west vance mouth breather. And that is saying a lot when the town breeds them like rabbits. I would not ask the Tonight Show for that comedy writer job but keep trying. Your efforts bring me great joy! So much joy I want to give you a big ole ROOOOOOOw Damn Thde Rooooooow!

Here is a picture of Ghost in his feather cap at the game. Making bammer memories!
