I'm pretty sure ole' demented Joe is going to try and pull an, "Obama"............and tell us he made some great deal with Russia.....then videos will show up later, where the US gave Russia $200 billion, or some huge figure. Sleepy Joe, babbling Kamala, crying Schumer, and nimwit Pelosi will all come out and tell us what a great "deal" they've made..........that is, until the videos show up again.
After that comes out....the liberal media will change the story to, "two people in Chicago were shot last night....one, was a 14 year old, carrying a semi-automatic handgun......we've got to get rid of guns!"
Putin has caste his rod, and he is pulling in some sucker fish this week.
Can't you just see:
Sleepy Joe Biden: "Well Boris......we are not going to back down."
Vlad Putin: "Old man, shut up and get one of your aides to change your depends"...everybody in the background is gagging.
How in the heck am I supposed to make a deal, with someone who doesn't know what's going on?"
Sleepy Joe: "Look Mr. Gorbachov, like Ronnie said....tear down that wall!"
Vlad Putin: "How in the heck did ya'll get this guy elected? I thought only I could rig elections this good!"
After that comes out....the liberal media will change the story to, "two people in Chicago were shot last night....one, was a 14 year old, carrying a semi-automatic handgun......we've got to get rid of guns!"
Putin has caste his rod, and he is pulling in some sucker fish this week.
Can't you just see:
Sleepy Joe Biden: "Well Boris......we are not going to back down."
Vlad Putin: "Old man, shut up and get one of your aides to change your depends"...everybody in the background is gagging.
How in the heck am I supposed to make a deal, with someone who doesn't know what's going on?"
Sleepy Joe: "Look Mr. Gorbachov, like Ronnie said....tear down that wall!"
Vlad Putin: "How in the heck did ya'll get this guy elected? I thought only I could rig elections this good!"