I advocated from the beginning that we adequately test all the new vaccines for their efficacy and safety. Not enough evidence is out there to be definitive, but it is appearing that the all cause mortality of the mRNA vaccinated group is higher than the control group (unvaccinated.) It is related to the increase in cardiovascular deaths in the mRNA vaccinated individuals. Deaths are 45% higher in the mRNA vaccinated people than in the control group. My brother was almost part of that statistic and he spent 13 days in the hospital.
I understand our immune system better than most because I've had to deal with the effects of being sick for so long. I know that vaccines do have effects other than their intention. I'm not knocking the vaccines, only that they have other effects that aren't calculated during the testing and we need to know those effects. Using Test Negative Case Control Studies to determine a vaccine's effectiveness is just wrong and they have been using them since 2011. Science can do better and if health is the goal, everyone should agree.
I understand our immune system better than most because I've had to deal with the effects of being sick for so long. I know that vaccines do have effects other than their intention. I'm not knocking the vaccines, only that they have other effects that aren't calculated during the testing and we need to know those effects. Using Test Negative Case Control Studies to determine a vaccine's effectiveness is just wrong and they have been using them since 2011. Science can do better and if health is the goal, everyone should agree.