I've never seen anything like this. If you haven't heard this story before, here's the plot:
Gypsy and her mom (Dee Dee) make national news because they are displaced during Hurricane Katrina. Gypsy has Leukemia, Asthma, Muscular Dystrophy, and Brain Damage. She has lived her whole life in a wheelchair and with a feeding tube. They get a home from Habitat For Humanity. They get Financial support from charities and even famous people. They do speaking engagements across the country and are seen as "Heroes".
Then Dee Dee is stabbed to death in the middle of the night and Gypsy goes missing. These local "heroes" bring national attention in the search for Dee Dee's murderer and Gypsy's kidnapper.
Gypsy is found, though, with a young man (Nicholas). They are lovers. Gypsy has never been away from her mother. It seems she met this guy online and fell in love. She also has no ailments. She can walk. She can eat. She has normal intelligence. She admits that Nicholas stabbed her mother to death.
When investigators search the home, Dee Dee has a closet full of medications that she had gotten by forging prescriptions. All of their records were lost in Katrina and because everyone knew of Gypsy and her ailments, 100's of doctors performed unnecessary procedures on Gypsy; based only on the mom's "word". Only two doctors denied performing surgeries on Gypsy when all their tests came back negative. One doctor called DSS, stating that the mother had "Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy". In other words, the mom was mentally ill and faked her daughters ailments for psychological and monetary gain. DSS looked into it, but never followed up.
Gypsy is sentenced to 10 years. Nicholas gets life. Gypsy does interviews where she claims that she believed that she had most of her ailments (except she knew she could walk) and was scared of her mother. She knew her mother would never let her leave or find love. So she asked her online boyfriend to kill her mother. Gypsy looks like a totally normal person now. She even loves prison. She says it's the most freedom she's ever had.
My opinion:
Gypsy was complicit in her mom's scams and even conned her first boyfriend into murder. She knew her mother was faking birth certificates and telling people that Gypsy was still under 18 (she was 23). She went along with all her mothers scams. She even had multiple unnecesary surgeries, a feeding tube installed, and spent most of her life in a wheelchair in order to sell the act that she was sick. She even faked having the mental capacity of a 7 year old.
She and her boyfriend had sex in the room next to her dead mother right after it happened. She lost her virginity with the man who stabbed her mother to death and with her still warm body one wall away. They then went on the run.
She will be free in 2024. Imo, she should be locked up forever. She is so dangerous that she even out-conned her mother. In her interviews, she is 100% believable. Which makes her a sociopath of a dangerous magnitude. She was taught by a phenomenal con woman and has outdone her mentor.
Gypsy and her mom (Dee Dee) make national news because they are displaced during Hurricane Katrina. Gypsy has Leukemia, Asthma, Muscular Dystrophy, and Brain Damage. She has lived her whole life in a wheelchair and with a feeding tube. They get a home from Habitat For Humanity. They get Financial support from charities and even famous people. They do speaking engagements across the country and are seen as "Heroes".
Then Dee Dee is stabbed to death in the middle of the night and Gypsy goes missing. These local "heroes" bring national attention in the search for Dee Dee's murderer and Gypsy's kidnapper.
Gypsy is found, though, with a young man (Nicholas). They are lovers. Gypsy has never been away from her mother. It seems she met this guy online and fell in love. She also has no ailments. She can walk. She can eat. She has normal intelligence. She admits that Nicholas stabbed her mother to death.
When investigators search the home, Dee Dee has a closet full of medications that she had gotten by forging prescriptions. All of their records were lost in Katrina and because everyone knew of Gypsy and her ailments, 100's of doctors performed unnecessary procedures on Gypsy; based only on the mom's "word". Only two doctors denied performing surgeries on Gypsy when all their tests came back negative. One doctor called DSS, stating that the mother had "Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy". In other words, the mom was mentally ill and faked her daughters ailments for psychological and monetary gain. DSS looked into it, but never followed up.
Gypsy is sentenced to 10 years. Nicholas gets life. Gypsy does interviews where she claims that she believed that she had most of her ailments (except she knew she could walk) and was scared of her mother. She knew her mother would never let her leave or find love. So she asked her online boyfriend to kill her mother. Gypsy looks like a totally normal person now. She even loves prison. She says it's the most freedom she's ever had.
My opinion:
Gypsy was complicit in her mom's scams and even conned her first boyfriend into murder. She knew her mother was faking birth certificates and telling people that Gypsy was still under 18 (she was 23). She went along with all her mothers scams. She even had multiple unnecesary surgeries, a feeding tube installed, and spent most of her life in a wheelchair in order to sell the act that she was sick. She even faked having the mental capacity of a 7 year old.
She and her boyfriend had sex in the room next to her dead mother right after it happened. She lost her virginity with the man who stabbed her mother to death and with her still warm body one wall away. They then went on the run.
She will be free in 2024. Imo, she should be locked up forever. She is so dangerous that she even out-conned her mother. In her interviews, she is 100% believable. Which makes her a sociopath of a dangerous magnitude. She was taught by a phenomenal con woman and has outdone her mentor.


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