before posting after a game. This gives me time to let the emotions calm down Usually it gives me time to find the positives to post about. But I have to be honest other than we did win,I just don't see many things to be positive about. Take Barber out of the game and I don't think there is anything offensively to feel good about. I have never put much into the theory that Gus could not recruit a qb. But after watching JJ the last 2 weeks I may have to rethink that. I have always been a firm believer that J Robinson would be our stud rb this year. Now I am trying to figure out why we recruited him so hard. I guess the bright side would have to be our def when Lawson is able to play, which I am not convinced will be very often. I know we have played a lot of young guys and that may pay off in the future, but after sleeping on this one I just don't see this year being any better than last year