common sense tells us is true. it illustrates also how the left uses gtoup think and social media to push its loont ideas . Back to the warming the NOAA graph clearly shows what I have been saying for a while. the earth has been cooling for 6 years due to most likely change in sun activity. Noaa admits this but not in the article. its why they changed the moniker to climate change. The Kool-Aid drinkers can caterwaul all they want but its just a fact. This data shows it even with NOAA still fudging numbers. Steve Malloy was a friend of mine. he is big on disproving the warming lie but he started his knew career disproving non political science so don't let the left distract you.
ChatGPT confession: Global warming? Not much since 2016
The viral AI chatbot was grilled on its assertion that global temperatures have increased in recent years despite data from NOAA that suggests otherwise.