Is to make sure that we find the common denominator in the issue. Obviously it’s people.
How could it be guns?
How could it be easy access to high powered guns?
How could this not be what the founding fathers envisioned?
God and guns right?
2A niche issues are more important than children not living in fear right?
A handful of trans folks and drag shows are more of a danger than guns right?
There’s just now way that the connection here is through the guns used to kill more children and teachers right?
Drag shows and queer books are the real problem right?
It’s all mental disorders right?
But we don’t need universal healthcare or back ground checks or waiting periods right?
This happed all through the 1970s 1980s 1990s right?
This didn’t all begin when Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to expire right?
Bush is a RINO right?
More guns more guns more guns is the only answer right?
Gun deaths are not only preventable but one of the leading cause of adolescent death right?
Any of you care to clarify. I’ve heard a lot about protecting kids here lately. So help me understand.
How could it be guns?
How could it be easy access to high powered guns?
How could this not be what the founding fathers envisioned?
God and guns right?
2A niche issues are more important than children not living in fear right?
A handful of trans folks and drag shows are more of a danger than guns right?
There’s just now way that the connection here is through the guns used to kill more children and teachers right?
Drag shows and queer books are the real problem right?
It’s all mental disorders right?
But we don’t need universal healthcare or back ground checks or waiting periods right?
This happed all through the 1970s 1980s 1990s right?
This didn’t all begin when Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to expire right?
Bush is a RINO right?
More guns more guns more guns is the only answer right?
Gun deaths are not only preventable but one of the leading cause of adolescent death right?
Any of you care to clarify. I’ve heard a lot about protecting kids here lately. So help me understand.