If the claims of fraud were found to be true, certainly there would be repercussions for the people involved in said fraud. And if there is actual evidence of fraud, it should certainly be followed up. Anyone who knew of such would, IMO, be obligated to report it.
However, what if all these claims turn out to be just a bunch of nonsense? Will those who are stirring this pot, attempting to sow discord and creating distrust of the government and democratic process be held accountable fir their actions?
Can we charge them with treason, or sedition?
I’m not taking a stand on one side or the other, but it seems to me that if high ranking public officials are going to go public with claims of election fraud, they should be held to a certain level of accountability. They better have some damn solid evidence or face some serious consequences. Because the current rhetoric, if false, is dangerous and threatens our democracy.
However, what if all these claims turn out to be just a bunch of nonsense? Will those who are stirring this pot, attempting to sow discord and creating distrust of the government and democratic process be held accountable fir their actions?
Can we charge them with treason, or sedition?
I’m not taking a stand on one side or the other, but it seems to me that if high ranking public officials are going to go public with claims of election fraud, they should be held to a certain level of accountability. They better have some damn solid evidence or face some serious consequences. Because the current rhetoric, if false, is dangerous and threatens our democracy.